Tomasz Podgórski
- Academic title:
- dr. habil.
- Position:
- Adjunct
- Unit:
- Biogeography

- Habilitation: 2022, University of Wrocław, Faculty of Biological Sciences
- PhD: 2013, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Biology
- MSc: 2006, University of Wrocław, Faculty of Biological Sciences
- Behavioural ecology
- Wildlife management
- Disease ecology
- Animal movement and social behaviour
- Ungulates, wild boar
- Methods: telemetry, social networks, camera-traps, genetic markers
- 2014 Institute of Biological Problems of Cryolithozone, Russian Academy of Sciences, Yakutsk, Russia (2 weeks)
- 2013 Department of Science for Nature and Environmental Resources, University of Sassari, Italy, with Dr. Laura Iacolina; 2 weeks
- 2013 Russian Research Institute of Game Management and Fur Farming, Kirov, Russia; 2 weeks
- 2011 Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Aberdeen, UK, with Dr. David Lusseau; 1 month
- 2010 Department of Zoology and Evolutionary Genetics, University of Sassari, Italy, with Dr. Massimo Scandura; 4 months
- European Food Safety Authority (EFSA): "ENETWILD - Wildlife: collecting and sharing data on wildlife populations, transmitting animal disease agents" (2017-2023)
- COST Action CA15116: "Understanding and combating African Swine Fever in Europe (ASF-STOP)" (2016-2020) - substitute member of the Management Committee and co-leader of the Working Group 2: ASF in Wild Boar
- National Science Centre, Poland: "Epidemiology of the African Swine Fever (ASF) in the wild boar population - the role of spatial, social, and genetic structure of the host population" (2015-2018, 200 000 €) - principal investigator
- Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland: "Spatial and social structure, mating system, and relatedness in the wild boar Sus scrofa population in Białowieża Primeval Forest" (2008-2011, 82 000 €) - co-investigator
- Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland: "Effect of landscape structure on genetic diversity of roe deer Capreolus capreolus population" (2009-2012, 70 000 €) - co-investigator
Conferences, workshops
- COST Conference "African swine fever - recent research advances and strategies to combat the disease in Europe", 6-8.12.2016, Puławy, Poland (oral presentation)
- International Conference "Ungulates in a changing world - consequences for population dynamics, migration and management", 19-21.09.2016, Krasny Bor, Belarus (oral presentation)
- 11th International Symposium on Wild Boar and other Suids, 5-8.09.2016, Luxembourg (oral presentation)
- 12th Conference of the European Wildlife Disease Association (EWDA), 27-31.08.2016, Berlin, Germany (oral presentation)
- 10th International Symposium on Wild Boar and other Suids, 1-5.09.2014, Velenje, Slovenia (oral presentation)
- Workshop "Invasion and Range Expansion of Game: Processes and Conflicts", 21.02.2013, Konnevesi, Finland (oral presentation)
- 9th International Symposium on Wild Boar and other Suids, 2-6.09.2012, Hannover, Germany (oral presentation)
- International Conference in Landscape Genetics, 10-12.11.2011, Białowieża, Poland (poster)
- 8th International Symposium on Wild Boar and other Suids, 1-4.09.2010, York, UK (poster)
- 7th International Conference on Behaviour, Physiology and Genetics of Wildlife, 21-24.09.2009, Berlin, Germany (poster, 3rd prize)
- XXIX International Union of Game Biologists Congress, Moscow, Russia, 17-22.08.2009 (oral presentation)
- 1st PhD Student Symposium: "Small data sets and broad conclusions - is this helpful for nature conservation?", Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, 11-12.09.2008 Berlin (oral presentation)
- 7th International Symposium on Wild Boar and sub-order Suiformes, Sopron, 28-30.08.2008 (oral presentation)
- XXVIII International Union of Game Biologists Congress, Uppsala, Sweden, 13-18.08.2007 (oral presentation)