MRI PAS Open Seminar – 05.08.2022


MRI PAS Open Seminar – 05.08.2022

We are pleased to invite you to #16 Open Seminar of the Mammal Research Institute PAS. It is a pleasure to announce our speaker: dr. Katarzyna Nowak, Assistant Professor at the Białowieża Geobotanical Station and University of Warsaw, Faculty of Biology. She will talk...
08.07.2022 – Bidding Farewell to dr. Zbigniew Krasiński


08.07.2022 – Bidding Farewell to dr. Zbigniew Krasiński

With great sadness we say goodbye to Dr. Zbigniew Krasiński, a former employee of the Białowieża National Park, who for several decades cooperated with Mammal Research Institute PAS, conducting jointly with prof. Małgorzata Krasińska research on the history and...
MRI PAS Open Seminar – 15.07.2022


MRI PAS Open Seminar – 15.07.2022

We are pleased to invite you to #14 Open Seminar Special Edition of the Mammal Research Institute PAS. It is a pleasure to announce our speaker: Dr. Izabela Stachowicz from the Department of Geobotany and Plant Ecology of the University of Łódź, Poland and the Ecology...
MRI PAS Open Seminar – 13.07.2022


MRI PAS Open Seminar – 13.07.2022

We are pleased to invite you to #13 Open Seminar of the Mammal Research Institute PAS. It is a pleasure to announce our speakers: Dr. Liana Zanette and Dr. Michael Clinchy from Western University, Department of Biology (London, Ontario, Canada), who will talk about...