Science comics
Science cartoon to the article “Human and the beast-Flight and aggressive responses of European bison to human disturbance” published by the team of MRI PAS and co-worker in the PLoS ONE journal (drawing by Tomasz Samojlik) You can read the article...
Science comics
Science cartoon by dr Tomasz Samojlik to the article ” Foraging habitats and niche partitioning of European large herbivores during the Holocene – Insights from 3D dental microwear texture analysis ” published by the team of MRI PAS and co-workers in...
The Mammal Research journal issued on behalf of MRI PAS by the Springer publisher, recorded an increase of Impact Factor. Annoonced today IF for 2017 is 1,299!
Science comics
Research published in Basic and Applied Ecology journal shows that national parks in Poland are too small to protect migratory moose populations. If ban for moose hunting will be abolished, it is necessary to designate buffer zones ensuring the protection of...
Science comics
In Poland two morphs of weasel occur, which differ in presence of absence of white coat in winter. Winter white morph suffers of higher predation pressure due to global warming and shortening of period when snow cover is present. The work co-authored by Dr. habil...