Science comics
Study on seasonal changes of braincase depth of least weasels revealed, that similar to shrews, they exhibit winter shrinking of the skull and brain, followed by regrow in summer. This is common strategy of small, high-metabolic animals, dealing with massively...
Science comics
The research by MRI PAS on the dynamics of parasite infection level in American mink has shown that non-native species are released from enemy pressure only in the first phase of invasion and the infection is also modulated by host demographics and season. There was a...
Science comics
The research by MRI PAS, in collaboration with the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin, on stress levels in cervids, has shown that in red deer and roe deer populations under heavy predation pressure from wolves and lynx, stress levels are lowest...
MRI in media
Frankfurtet Allgemeine Zeitung published an article “Wie der Vollernter in Walde” by Piotr Heller on the logging in the Białowieża Forest with quotes from dr. Rafał Kowalczyk – the head of MRI PAS. You can read the piece here ...
MRI in media
Court of Justice of the European Union ordered immediate cessation of active forest management activities in the Białowieża Forest. The press release on this item you can find here