Science comics
Science cartoons for the paper „Mapping out a future for ungulatemigrations” published by international team of scientists and conservationists with participation of MRI PAS in journal Science. The paper presents the Global Initiative on Ungulate Migration (GIUM) to...
The research project of Dr. hab. Michał Żmihorski from MRI PAS entitled”Linking socio-economy to biodiversity in farmland” was top ranked in the Sonata BIS grant competition of the National Science Centre. Ranking list here
Photo of red deer from the Białowieża Forest by dr. Rafał Kowalczyk was published on the cover of the latest issue of Journal of Biogeography. The journal published an article by the MRI PAS team and co-workers on the distribution of red deer in Europe during the Late...
MRI in media
BBC News published an article on success of European bison conservation with quote from dr. hab. Rafał Kowalczyk – director of MRI PAS. You can read the piece here
The IUCN lowered the European bison thretened category from VU (vulnerable) to NT (near threatened). It results mainly from a constant trend of an increase in the number of subpopulations and individuals, as well as an increase distribution area. The review of the...