We warmly invite you to participate in the 4tth Open Seminar, which will be held at MRI PAS. Presenter: dr Nicolas De Pelsmaeker, Department of Population Ecology, Mammal Research Institute PAS, Poland Topic: Distribution of ticks and carnivore effects Date: Friday,...
This week, on Friday, Nov. 17th, we invite you to our 44th Open Seminar, which will be held online. Presenter: dr Tanja Straka, Institute for Ecology, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany Topic: Human Dimensions of Bat Conservation: Understanding people to benefit...
This week we invite you to our Open Seminar #43, which will be held in the conference hall & online on Thursday! Presenters: Prof. Dr. Niko Balkenhol, Dr. Katarzyna Bojarska, Prof. Dr. Johannes Isselstein, Dr. Friederike Riesch & Dr. Suzanne van Beeck Calkoen...
Next week on Monday we invite you to our Open Seminar #42, which will be held in the conference hall of MRI PAS. Presenter: Dr. Myles Traphagen Topic: Methods for studying the impacts of border barriers with wolves and jaguars as focal species When: Monday 11th...
We warmly invite you to a special edition of our Open Seminar which will take place on Friday, 1st September 2023. Title: Socio-ecological effects of state border barriers. When: Friday 1st September 2023 at 9:45 am CET Where: conference hall and online:...
We warmly invite you to our Open Seminar #41 which will be held online. Presenter: Amanda Bevan, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Northern Colorado Topic: Response of bats and nocturnal food webs to mountain pine beetle outbreaks When: Friday 4th August...