MRI in media
Photo of wolf from Białowieża Forest by dr. Rafał Kowalczyk from MRI PAS was published on the cover of the scientific journal Conservation & Society. The photo is promoting an article on wolf protection co-authored by dr Krzysztof Niedziałkowski from MRI...
MRI in media
BBC News published an article on success of European bison conservation with quote from dr. hab. Rafał Kowalczyk – director of MRI PAS. You can read the piece here
MRI in media
A photo of European bison from the Białowieża Forest by dr. hab. Rafał Kowalczyk and the publication of MRI PAS staff as the leading topic on the cover of the latest issue of the journal Global Change Biology.
MRI in media
International science-popular Cosmos magazine published an article “Encounters with wolves” on expanding wolf populations and their perception with quotes from dr. hab. Dries Kuijper from MRI PAS. You can read the piece here
MRI in media
A paper by MRI staff on the impact of global warming on weasels, published recently in Scientific Reports received a great deal of media attention and was widely commented, among others in The Washington Post, The Telegraph, Daily Mail and Paris Match
MRI in media
Science journal in the section Letters published an article on the bark beetle outbreak in the Białowieża Forest, co-authored by dr hab. Rafał Kowalczyk from MRI PAS. You can read the piece here