MRI in media
A recently published in PLOS ONE study by the Mammal Research Institute and Tubingen University staff on isotopic analysis of European bison bone material on the websites ScienceDaily and (idw) More here:
MRI in media
A recently published in Mammal Research journal (formerly Acta theriologica) study by the Mammal Research Institute staff, covering a period of 20 years, investigated the influence of economic growth and the ‘edge’ effect on Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) mortality...
MRI in media
On the Deutschlandradio in the program “Ein bisschen Wildnis” can be heard reporting about the bison and other endangered species with the statements of dr hab. Rafał Kowalczyk from MRI PAS. You can listen the program here (be clicking on the loudspeaker...
MRI in media
The online CNN of 18 November 2013 features an article by Howard Swains “European bison in the crosshairs of conservation battle” including quotes from dr hab. Rafał Kowalczyk – the Director of the MRI PAS.You can read the piece here
MRI in media
The on-line Guardian of 06 April 2011 features an article by Damian Carrington “Europe’s last bison pose a question: what is truly natural?” with references to the MRI’s research and including quotes from Dr. Rafał Kowalczyka and Tomasz...
MRI in media
Los Angeles Times described a planned visit of the Prince Charles in Białowieża. Dr. Kowalczyk provided information about the bison in the Białowieża Primeval Forest. You can read the story here.