
Just edited! – The brochure promoting Life+ project Polish Important Bird Areas


  There has been published the brochure promoting Life + project “Polish Important Bird Areas”, which is carried out by Mammal Research Institute PAS in a cooperation with five national parks. The folder provides extensive, detailed information about the project participants, project goals and achievements. The brochure was published in 20 000 copies which will be distributed in the offices of all project participants and on Educational Picnics organized in all five national parks.

 The first picnic was organized in Warta Mouth National Park on 10-11 May 2014. The report from this event as well as detailed information about next ones are available on the Life+ Project website.

 Dates of forthcoming picnics:

15.06 – 1.07. 2014 – Biebrza National Park
4 – 06.07.2014 – Drawa National Park
2.08.2014 – Słowiński National Park
30-31.08.2014 – Narew National Park