Articles in journals (13) Back to top
  1. Pilowsky JA, Brown SC, Llamas B, van Loenen AL, Kowalczyk R, Hofman-Kamińska E, Manaseryan NH, Rusu V, Križnar M, Rahbek C, Fordham DA. 2023. Millennial processes of population decline, range contraction and near extinction of the European bison. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290 (20231095) DOI: Link
  2. Berlioz E, Leduc C, Hofman-Kamińska E, Bignon-Lau O, Kowalczyk R, Merceron G. 2022. Dental microwear foraging ecology of a large browsing ruminant in Northern Hemisphere: The European moose (Alces alces). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 586 (110754) DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2021.110754
  3. Gower G, Fenderson LE, Salis AT, Helgen KM, van Loenen AL, Heiniger H, Hofman-Kamińska E, Kowalczyk R, Mitchell KJ, Llamas B, Cooper A. 2019. Widespread male sex bias in mammal fossil and museum collections. PNAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (38) : 19019-19024. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1903275116
  4. Gretzinger J, Molak M, Reiter E, Pfrengle S, Urban C, Neukamm J, Blant M, Conard NJ, Cupillard C, Dimitrijević V, Drucker DG, Hofman-Kamińska E, Kowalczyk R, Krajcarz MT, Krajcarz M, Münzel SC, Peresani M, Romandini M, Rufí I, Soler J, Terlato G, Krause J, Bocherens H, Schuenemann VJ. 2019. Large-scale mitogenomic analysis of the phylogeography of the Late Pleistocene cave bear. Scientific Reports 9 (10700) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-47073-z
  5. Hofman-Kamińska E, Bocherens H, Drucker DG, Fyfe RM, Gumiński W, Makowiecki D, Pacher M, Piličiauskienė G, Samojlik T, Woodbridge J, Kowalczyk R. 2019. Adapt or die—Response of large herbivores to environmental changes in Europe during the Holocene. Global Change Biology 25 (9) : 2915-2930. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14733
  6. Hofman-Kamińska E, Merceron G, Bocherens H, Makowiecki D, Piličiauskiene G, Ramdarshan A, Berlioz E, Kowalczyk R. 2018. Foraging habitats and niche partitioning of European large herbivores during the Holocene – Insights from 3D dental microwear texture analysis. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 116 (38) : 19019-19024. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2018.05.050
  7. Hofman-Kamińska E, Bocherens H, Borowik T, Drucker DG, Kowalczyk R. 2018. Stable isotope signatures of large herbivore foraging habitats across Europe. PloS ONE 13(1) (e0190723) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0190723
  8. Soubrier J, (...), Hofman-Kamińska E, Immel A, Julien M-A, Krause J, Krotova O, Langbein F, Larson G, Rohrlach A, Scheu A, Schnabel RD, Taylor JF, Tokarska M, Tosello G, van der Plicht J, van Loenen A, Vigne J-D, Wooley O, Orlando L, Kowalczyk R, Shapiro B, Cooper A. 2016. Early cave art and ancient DNA record the origin of European bison. Nature Communications 7 : 13158-13158. DOI:  10.1038/ncomms13158
  9. Bocherens H, Hofman-Kamińska E, Drucker DG, Schmölcke U, Kowalczyk R. 2015. European bison as a refugee species? Evidence from isotopic data on early holocene bison and other large herbivores in Northern Europe. PLoS ONE 10(2): e0115090 DOI:  10.1371/journal.pone.0115090
  10. Souron A, Merceron G, Bondel C, Brunetière N, Colyn M, Hofman-Kamińska E, Boisserie JR. 2015. Three-dimensional dental microwear texture analysis and diet in extant Suidae (Mammalia: Cetartiodactyla). Mammalia 79 : 279-291. DOI: 10.1515/mammalia-2014-0023
  11. Merceron G, Hofman-Kamińska E, Kowalczyk R. 2014. 3D dental microwear texture analysis of feeding habits of sympatric ruminants in the Białowieża Primeval Forest, Poland. Forest Ecology and Management 328 : 262-269. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2014.05.041
  12. Kowalczyk R, Krasińska M, Kamiński T, Górny M, Struś P, Hofman-Kamińska E, Krasiński Z.A. 2013. Movements of European bison (Bison bonasus) beyond the Białowieża Forest (NE Poland): range expansion or partial migrations?. Acta Theriologica 58 (4) : 391-401. DOI:  10.1007/s13364-013-0136-y
  13. Hofman-Kamińska E, Kowalczyk R. 2012. Farm crops depredation by European bison (Bison bonasus) in the vicinity of forest habitats in northeastern Poland. Environmental Management 50 : 530-541. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-012-9913-7
Book chapters (1) Back to top
  1. Hofman-Kamińska E, Kowalczyk R. 2010. Czego żubr szuka na polu?. In: Ochrona żubra w Puszczy Białowieskiej. Zagrożenia i perspektywy rozwoju populacji. Eds. Kowalczyk R, Ławreszuk D, Wójcik MJ, red. Zakład Badania Ssaków PAN, Białowieża : 135-146.