Articles in journals (45) Back to top
  1. Bramorska B, Komar E, Maugeri L, Ruczyński I, Żmihorski M. 2024. Socio-economic variables improve accuracy and change spatial predictions in species distribution models. Science of The Total Environment 924 (171588) DOI:
  2. Dietzer MT, Keicher L, Kohles JE, Hurme ER, Ruczyński I, Borowik T, Zegarek M, Choiński M, Dechmann DKN. 2024. High temporal resolution data reveal low bat and insect activity over managed meadows in central Europe. Scientific Reports 14 (7498) DOI:
  3. Choiński M, Zegarek M, Hałat Z, Borowik T, Kohles J, Dietzer M, Eldegard K, McKay RA, Johns SE, Ruczyński I. 2023. Insect detection on high-resolution images using deep learning. Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management 14164 : 225-239. DOI:
  4. Fasel NJ, Jeucken J, Kravchenko K, Fritze M, Ruczyński I, Komar E, Moiseienko M, Shulenko A, Vlaschenko A, Christe P, Glaizot O, Holtze S. 2023. Mating without intromission in a bat. Current Biology 33 (22) : 1182-1183. DOI: Link
  5. Froidevaux J, Toshkova N, Barbaro L, Benítez-LópezA, Kerbiriou Ch, Le Viol I, Pacifici M, Santini L, Stawski C, Russo D, Dekker J, Alberdi A, Amorim F, Ancillotto L, Barré K, Bas Yves, Cantú-Salazar L, Dechmann DKN, Devaux T, Eldegard K, Fereidouni S, Furmankiewicz J, Hamidovic D, Hill DL, Ibáñez C, Julien J-F, Juste J, Kaňuch P, Korine C, Laforge A, Legras G, Leroux C, Lesiński G, Mariton L, Marmet J, Mata VA, Mifsud CM, Nistreanu V, Novella-Fernandez R, Rebelo H, Roche N, Roemer C, Ruczyński I, Sørås R, Uhrin M, Vella A, Voigt CC, Razgour O. 2023. A species-level trait dataset of bats in Europe and beyond. Scientific Data 10 (253) DOI: Link
  6. Festa F, Ancillotto L, Santini L, Pacifici M, Rocha R, Toshkova N, Amorim F, Benítez-López A, Domer A, Hamidović D, Kramer-Schadt S, Mathews F, Radchuk V, Rebelo H, Ruczynski I, Solem E, Tsoar A, Russo D, Razgour O. 2022. Bat responses to climate change: a systematic review. Biological Reviews 98 : 19-33. DOI: 10.1111/brv.12893
  7. Keicher L, Shipley JR, Komar E, Ruczyński I, Schaeffer PJ, Dechmann DKN. 2022. Flexible energy‑saving strategies in female temperate‑zone bats. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 192 : 805-814. DOI: 10.1007/s00360-022-01452-7
  8. van Klink R, August T, Bas Y, Bodesheim P, Bonn A, Fossøy F, Høye TT, Jongejans E, Menz MHM, Miraldo A, Roslin T, Roy HE, Ruczyński I, Schigel D, Schäffler L, Sheard JK, Svenningsen C, Tschan GF, Wäldchen J, Zizka VMA, Åström J, Bowler DE. 2022. Emerging technologies revolutionise insect ecology and monitoring. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 37 (10) : 872-885. DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2022.06.001
  9. Komar E, Fasel NJ, Szafrańska PA, Dechmann DKN, Zegarek M, Ruczyński I. 2022. Energy allocation shifts from sperm production to self-maintenance at low temperatures in male bats. Scientific Reports 12 (e2138) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-05896-3 Link
  10. Hałat Z, Dechmann DKN, Zegarek M, Ruczyński I. 2020. Male bats respond to adverse conditions with larger colonies and increased torpor use during sperm production. Mammalian Biology 100 : 611-620. DOI: 10.1007/s42991-020-00071-5
  11. Ruczyński I, Bartoń KA. 2020. Seasonal changes and the influence of tree species and ambient temperature on the fission-fusion dynamics of tree-roosting bats. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74 (63) DOI: 10.1007/s00265-020-02840-1
  12. Komar E, Dechmann DKN, Fasel NJ, Zegarek M, Ruczyński I. 2020. Food restriction delays seasonal sexual maturation but does not increase torpor use in male bats. Journal of Experimental Biology 223(8) (jeb214825) DOI: 10.1242/jeb.214825
  13. Ruczyński I, Hałat Z, Zegarek M, Borowik T, Dechmann DKN. 2020. Camera transects as a method to monitor high temporal and spatial ephemerality of flying nocturnal insects. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11 (2) : 294-302. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.13339
  14. Fasel NJ, Kołodziej-Sobocińska M, Komar E, Zegarek M, Ruczyński I. 2019. Penis size and sperm quality, are all bats grey in the dark?. Current Zoology 65 (6) : 697-703. DOI: 10.1093/cz/zoy094
  15. Hałat Z, Dechmann DKN, Zegarek M, Visser AEJ, Ruczyński I. 2018. Sociality and insect abundance affect duration of nocturnal activity of male parti-colored bats. Journal of Mammalogy 99 (6) : 1503-1509. DOI: 10.1093/jmammal/gyy141
  16. Fasel NJ, Mene-Saffrane L, Ruczynski I, Komar E, Christe P. 2017. Diet induced modifications of fatty-acid composition in mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor). Journal of Food Research 6(5) : 22-31. DOI: 10.5539/jfr.v6n5p22
  17. Zub K, Czeszczewik D, Ruczyński I, Kapusta A, Walankiewicz W. 2017. Silence is not golden: the hissing calls of tits affect the behaviour of a nest predator. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 71 (79) DOI: 10.1007/s00265-017-2313-5
  18. Ruczyński I, Zahorowicz P, Borowik T, Hałat Z. 2017. Activity patterns of two syntopic and closely related aerial-hawking bat species during breeding season in Białowieża Primaeval Forest. Mammal Research 62 : 65-73. DOI:  10.1007/s13364-016-0298-5
  19. Russo D, Billington G, Bontadina F, Dekker J, Dietz M, Gazaryan S, Jones G, Meschede A, Rebelo H, Reiter G, Ruczyński I, Tillon L, Twisk P. 2016. Identifying key research objectives to make European forests greener for bats. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 4 (87) DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2016.00087
  20. Rachwald A, Ruczyński I. 2015. Common pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus Schreber, 1774) in the bat fauna of the Białowieża Primeval Forest. Leśne Prace Badawcze 76 : 180-183.
  21. Ruczyński I, Clarin TMA, Siemers BM. 2014. Do greater mouse-eared bats experience a trade-off between energy conservation and learning?. Journal of Experimental Biology 217 : 4043-4048. DOI: 10.1242/jeb.106336
  22. Walankiewicz W, Czeszczewik D, Stanski T, Sahel M, Ruczyński I. 2014. Tree cavity resources in spruce-pine managed and protected stands of the Białowieża Forest, Poland. Natural Areas Journal 34 : 423-428. DOI:
  23. Polakowski M, Broniszewska M, Ruczyński I. 2014. Local concentration of foraging noctule bats (Nyctalus noctula) as a possible tool to assess the density of bats in large forest complexes. Turkish Journal of Zoology 38 : 254-256. DOI: 10.3906/zoo-1304-15
  24. Clarin TMA, Ruczyński I, Page RA, Siemers BM. 2013. Foraging ecology predicts learning performance in insectivorous bats. PLoS ONE 8(6) e64823 : 1-12. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0064823
  25. Czeszczewik D, Ruczyński I, Zięba-Schraven K, Wiśniewska J, Walankiewicz W. 2012. The Pied and Collared Flycatcher do not compete for microhabitats in the Białowieża Forest. Belgian Journal of Zoology 142 : 131-135. DOI:
  26. Ruczyński I, Bartoń KA. 2012. Modelling sensory limitation: The role of tree selection, memory and information transfer in bats’ roost searching Strategies. PLoS ONE 7 (9) (e44897) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0044897
  27. Ruczyński I, Szarlik O, Siemers B. 2011. Conspicuous visual cues can help bats to find tree cavities. Acta Chiropterologica 13 : 385-389. DOI:
  28. Furmankiewicz J, Ruczyński I, Urban R, Jones G. 2011. Social calls provide tree-dwelling bats with information about the location of conspecifics at roosts. Ethology 117 : 480-489. DOI:
  29. Ruczyński I, Siemers BM. 2011. Hibernation does not affect memory retention in bats. Biology Letters 7 : 153-155. DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2010.0585
  30. Rychlik L, Ruczyński I, Borowski Z. 2010. Radio-telemetry applied to field studies of shrews. Journal of Wildlife Management 74 : 1335-1342. DOI: 10.2193/2008-355
  31. Ruczyński I, Nicholls B, MacLeod CD, Racey PA. 2010. Selection of roosting habitats by Nyctalus noctula and Nyctalus leisleri in Białowieża Forest - Adaptive response to forest management?. Forest Ecology and Management 259 : 1633-1641. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2010.01.041
  32. Ruczyński I, Kalko EKV, Siemers BM. 2009. Calls in the forest: a comparative approach to how bats find tree cavities. Ethology 115 : 166-176. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0310.2008.01599.x
  33. Mazurska K, Ruczyński I. 2008. Bats select buildings in clearings in Białowieża Primeval Forest. Acta Chiropterologica 10 : 331-338. DOI: 10.3161/150811008x414908
  34. Ruczyński I, Bogdanowicz W. 2008. Summer roost selection by tree-dwelling bats Nyctalus noctula and N. leisleri: a multi-scale analysis. Journal of Mammalogy 89 : 942-951. DOI:
  35. Ruczyński I, Kalko EKV, Siemers BM. 2007. The sensory basis of roost finding in a forest bat, Nyctalus noctula. Journal of Experimental Biology 210 : 3607-3615. DOI:
  36. Ruczyński I, Ruczyńska I. 2006. Zimowanie borowca wielkiego Nyctalus noctula na obszarze Puszczy Białowieskiej. Nietoperze 7 : 70-71.
  37. Ruczyński I. 2006. Influence of temperature on maternity roost selection by noctule bats (Nyctalus noctula) and Leisler's bats (N. leisleri) in Białowieża Primeval Forest, Poland. Canadian Journal of Zoology 84 : 900-907. DOI:
  38. Ruczyński I, Bogdanowicz W. 2005. Roost cavity selection by Nyctalus noctula and N. leisleri (Vespertilionidae, Chiroptera) in Białowieża Primeval Forest, eastern Poland. Journal of Mammalogy 86 : 921-930. DOI:[921:RCSBNN]2.0.CO;2 PDF
  39. Ruczyński I, Ruczyńska I, Kasprzyk K. 2005. Winter mortality rates of bats inhabiting man-made shelters (northern Poland). Acta Theriologica 50 : 161-166. DOI: PDF
  40. Kaňuch P, Ruczyński I, Cel'uch M. 2004. Unusual change of habitat by a noctule female (Nyctalus noctula). Nyctalus (N F ), Berlin 9 : 504-505.
  41. Theuerkauf J, Jędrzejewski W, Schmidt K, Okarma H, Ruczyński I, Śnieżko S, Gula R. 2003. Daily patterns and duration of wolf activity in the Białowieża Forest, Poland. Journal of Mammalogy 84 : 243-253. PDF
  42. Ruczyński I, Gutowski JM. 2002. Czy guano nietoperzy użytkujących dziuple może być miejscem rozwoju rzadkich gatunków chrząszczy?. Przegląd Zoologiczny 46 : 79-80.
  43. Sachanowicz K, Ruczyński I. 2001. Summer roots sites of Myotis brandtii (Eversmann, 1845) (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae) in eastern Poland. Mammalia 65 (4) : 531-535.
  44. Kasprzyk K, Ruczyński I. 2001. The structure of bat communities roosting in bird nest boxes in two pine monocultures in Poland. Folia Zoologica 50 : 107-116.
  45. Ruczyński I, Ruczyńska I. 2000. Roosting sites of Leisler's bat Nyctalus leisleri in Białowieża Forest - preliminary results. Myotis 37 : 55-60.
Book chapters (4) Back to top
  1. Boston ESM, Dechmann DKN, Ruczyński I. 2021. Leisler’s Noctule Nyctalus leisleri (Kuhl, 1817) . In: Handbook of the Mammals of Europe. Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-65038-8_64-1 Link
  2. Dechmann DKN, Ruczynski I. 2020. Azorean Bat Nyctalus azoreum (Thomas, 1901). In: Handbook of the Mammals of Europe. : 1-5. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-65038-8_62-1
  3. Ruczyński I. 2004. Borowiaczki z górnych pięter lasu. In: Eseje o ssakach Puszczy Białowieskiej. Eds. Jędrzejewska B, Wójcik JM. Zakład Badania Ssaków PAN, Białowieża : 121-128.
  4. Ruczyński I. 2004. Bats in trees. In: Essays on mammals of Białowieża Forest. Eds. Jędrzejewska B, Wójcik JM. Mammal Research Institute PAS, Białowieża : 121-128.
Other publications (1) Back to top
  1. Ruczyński I. 2003. Czynniki kształtujące wybór i użytkowanie kryjówek przez nietoperze w Puszczy Białowieskiej. Praca doktorska. Zakład Badania Ssaków PAN, Białowieża, Białowieża