Articles in journals (12) Back to top
  1. Twining JP, Sutherland C, Zalewski A, Cove MV, Birks J, Wearn OR, Haysom J, Wereszczuk A, Manzo E, Bartolommei P, Mortelliti A, Evans B, Gerber BD, McGreevy Jr. TJ, Laken S. Ganoe LS, Masseloux J, Mayer AE, Wierzbowska I, Loch J, Akins J, Drummey D, McShea W, Manke S, Pardo L, Boyce AJ, Li S, Ragai RB, Sukmasuang R, Trujillo AJV, López-González C, Lara-Díaz NE, Cosby O, Waggershauser CN, Bamber J, Stewart F, Fisher J, Fuller AK, Perkins KA, Powell RA. 2024. Using global remote camera data of a solitary species complex to evaluate the drivers of group formation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (12) (e2312252121) DOI: Link
  2. Wereszczuk A, Zalewski A. 2023. An anthropogenic landscape reduces the influence of climate conditions and moonlight on carnivore activity. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 77 (55) DOI: 10.1007/s00265-023-03331-9
  3. Wereszczuk A, Fedotova A, Marciszak A, Popiołek M, Zharova A, Zalewski A. 2023. Various responses of pine marten morphology and demography to temporal climate changes and primary productivity. Journal of Zoology 319 : 42-53. DOI: 10.1111/jzo.13022 Link
  4. Wereszczuk A, Zalewski A. 2022. COVID-19 lockdown splits activity peaks of two mesopredators and potentially relaxes interspecific competition in rural habitat. Hystrix. The Italian Journal of Mammalogy 33 (2) : 167-172. DOI: 10.4404/hystrix-00557-2022 Link
  5. Zalewski A, Wereszczuk A, Brzeziński M. 2022. Polecat body size and sex ratio change over time: Impact of invasive competitor or climate warming?. Global Ecology and Conservation 35 (e02111) DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2022.e02111
  6. Wereszczuk A, Hofmeester TR, Csanády A, Dumić T, Elmeros M, Lanszki J, Madsen AB, Müskens G, Papakosta MA, Popiołek M, Santos-Reis M, Zuberogoitia I, Zalewski A. 2021. Different increase rate in body mass of two marten species due to climate warming potentially reinforces interspecific competition. Scientific Reports 11 (24164) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-03531-1
  7. Wereszczuk A, Zalewski A. 2019. Does the matrix matter? Home range sizes and space use strategies in stone marten at sites with differing degrees of isolation. Mammal Research 64 : 71-85. DOI: 10.1007/s13364-018-0397-6
  8. Deoniziak K, Hermaniuk A, Wereszczuk A. 2017. Effects of wetland restoration on the amphibian community in the Narew River Valley (Northeast Poland). SALAMANDRA 53 : 50-58.
  9. Wereszczuk A, Leblois R, Zalewski A. 2017. Genetic diversity and structure related to expansion history and habitat isolation: stone marten populating rural–urban habitats. BMC Ecology 17 : 46. DOI: 10.1186/s12898-017-0156-6
  10. Wereszczuk A, Zalewski A. 2015. Spatial niche segregation of sympatric stone marten and pine marten – Avoidance of competition or selection of optimal habitat?. PLoS ONE 10(10) (e0139852) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0139852
  11. Wereszczuk A. 2015. Występowanie dziko żyjących ssaków i ptaków we wsiach – zastosowanie fotopułapek w ocenie składu gatunkowego. Occurrence of wild mammals and birds in villages – the use of camera traps in the evaluation of species compositon. Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczystą 71 : 9-16.
  12. Arciszewski M, Chętnicki W, Jekatierynczuk-Rudczyk E, Wereszczuk A. 2014. Effect of physico-chemical parameters of water resorvois on amphibian density. North-Western Journal of Zoology 10 : 167-172.
Book chapters (1) Back to top
  1. Hermaniuk A, Wereszczuk A, Deoniziak K. 2012. Inwentaryzacja i ocena zmian batrachofauny na terenie strefy buforowej Narwiańskiego Parku Narodowego. In: Ocena efektów renaturalizacji strefy buforowej Narwiańskiego Parku Narodowego. Eds. Suchowolec A. : 48-50.