• Article in journal
    Pucek M. 1981. Polish Theriological Bibliography, 1980. Acta Theriologica 26 : 509-522.
  • Book
    Pucek Z. 1981. Keys to Vertebrates of Poland. Mammals. PWN, Warszawa
  • Book chapter
    Pucek Z. 1981. Preface to the English Edition. In: Keys to Vertebrates of Poland. Mammals. Eds. Pucek Z. PWN, Warszawa : VII-VIII.
  • Book chapter
    Pucek Z. 1981. General Outline Systematic survey. In: Keys to Vertebrates of Poland. Mammals. Eds. Pucek Z. PWN, Warszawa : 1-59.
  • Book chapter
    Pucek Z. 1981. Keys to the identification of orders. In: Keys to Vertebrates of Poland. Mammals. Eds. Pucek Z. PWN, Warszawa : 60-62.
  • Book chapter
    Pucek Z. 1981. Order: Insectivores - Insectivora. In: Keys to Vertebrates of Poland. Mammals. Eds. Pucek Z. PWN, Warszawa : 62-101.
  • Book chapter
    Pucek Z. 1981. Family: Beavers - Castoridae. In: Keys to Vertebrates of Poland. Mammals. Eds. Pucek Z. PWN, Warszawa : 173-179.
  • Book chapter
    Pucek Z. 1981. Family: Jumping mice - Zapodidae. In: Keys to Vertebrates of Poland. Mammals. Eds. Pucek Z. PWN, Warszawa : 230-235.
  • Book chapter
    Pucek Z. 1981. Bibliography. General literature. In: Keys to Vertebrates of Poland. Mammals. Eds. Pucek Z. PWN, Warszawa : 341-357.
  • Book chapter
    Pucek Z. 1981. Index of Latin taxonomic names. Appendix. In: Keys to Vertebrates of Poland. Mammals. Eds. Pucek Z. PWN, Warszawa : 359-367.