• Popular article
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  • Book chapter
    Pucek Z, Bobek B, Łabudzki L, Miłkowski L, Morow K, Tomek A. 1975. Estimates of density and number of Ungulates. In: The role of large herbivore mammals in woodland ecosystems. Eds. Grodziński W, Pucek Z. Polish Ecological Studies 1 Warszawa : 121-135.
  • Book chapter
    Pucek Z, Lowe PW. 1975. Age criteria in small mammals. In: Small Mammals: their productivity and population dynamicsIntern. Biol. Programme, 5. Eds. Golley FB, Petrusewicz K, Ryszkowski L. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge : 55-72.
  • Book chapter
    Pucek Z, Ryszkowski L. 1975. Working group on small mammals. In: Polish participation in the International Biological Programme, 1964-1973. Polish Acad. Sci., Polish Natl. Committee for IBP, : 105-158.
  • Book chapter
    Raczyński J. 1975. Progress in breeding European bison in captivity. In: Breeding endangered species in captivity. Eds. Martin, R. D.. Proc 17th IUGB Congress, Brussels 1985, Belgium Academic Press, London : 253-262.
  • Article in journal
    Raczyński J. 1975. H. Stubbe: Buch der Hege. Band I: Haarwild. Band II: Federwild. Przegląd Zoologiczny 19 : 102-103.
  • Article in journal
    Ruprecht AL. 1975. Zbiór nietoperzy I.K. Tarnaniego z Puław w kolekcjach Muzeum Instytutu Zoologicznego AN ZSRR w Leningradzie. Przegląd Zoologiczny 19 : 356-360.
  • Article in journal
    Ruprecht AL. 1975. Nietoperze Białowieży. Str. Ref. na XI Zjazd PTZool., Białystok, 15-18 IX 1975. : 153-154.
  • Article in journal
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  • Article in journal
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