- Article in journal1964. Morphological changes occurring in laboratory Microtus agrestis with age. Acta Theriologica 9(6) : 67-79.
- Article in journal1964. Effect of light and temperature on the 24-hour rhythm in Pitymys subterraneus /de Sély-Long./. Acta Theriologica 9(9) : 125-137.
- Article in journal1964. Metody badania bilansu energetycznego u zwierząt. EkologiaPolska,ser.B 10,00 : 91-99.
- Article in journal1964. Współczesne problemy fizjologicznych badań instynktu /streszczenie/. Kosmos A 3(68) : 252-255.
- Article in journal1964. Choice of indicator in the investigation of the passage of foodstuffs through the alimentary tract of rodents. Acta Theriologica 9(5) : 55-65.
- Article in journal1964. Rate of passage of foodstuffs through the alimentary tracts of Neomys fodiens /Pennant,1771/ under laboratory conditions. Acta Theriologica 9(20) : 371-373.
- Article in journal1964. The rate of passage of foodstuffs through the alimentary tract of certain Microtidae under laboratory conditions. Acta Theriologica 9(4) : 37-53.
- Article in journal1964. Uwagi o metodach badania szybkości przechodzenia treści przez przewód pokarmowy zwierząt. Med.. Weterynaryjna 20(9) : 560-562.
- Article in journal1964. Pasteurella-like microorganisms in small rodents. Acta Microbiol.pol 13(4) : 341-347.
- Article in journal1964. Variations in the length and weight of the alimentary tract of Clethrionomys glareolus /Schreber, 1780/. Acta Theriologica 9(10) : 139-148.