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  • Book
    Zalewski A, Wierzbowska IA, Aubry KB, Birks JDS, O'Mahony DT, Proulx G. 2017. The Martes Complex in the 21st Century: Ecology and Conservation. Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Science, Białowieża
  • Book chapter
    Wierzbowska IA, Lesiak M, Zalewski A, Gajda A, Widera E, Okarma H. 2017. Urban carnivores: A case study of sympatric stone marten (Martes foina) and red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in Kraków, Southern Poland. In: The Martes complex in the 21st Century: Ecology and Conservation. Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Science, Białowieża : 161-178.
  • Book chapter
    Joyce MJ, Zalewski A, Erb JD, Moen RA. 2017. Use of resting microsites by members of the Martes Complex: the role of thermal stress across species and regions. In: The Martes complex in the 21st Century: Ecology and Conservation. Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Science, Białowieża : 181-220.
  • Book chapter
    Green RE, Joyce MJ, Matthews SM, Purcell KL, Highly JM, Zalewski A. 2017. Guidelines and techniques for studying the reproductive ecology of wild fishers (Pekania pennanti), American martens (Martes americana), and other members of the martes Complex. In: The Martes complex in the 21st Century: Ecology and Conservation. Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Science, Białowieża : 313-358.
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  • Article in journal
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