MRI in media
The newspaper Libération published an article about the European bison conservation and the research on this species carried out at MRI PAS with quotes from prof. Rafał Kowalczyk of MRI PAS. Full article here
MRI in media
The Science Daily portal has published an article discussing the results of research on factors responsible for the extinction of the European bison at the beginning of the 20th century, published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B with the participation of MRI...
In the latest ranking of the academic platform, which assesses number of published scientific papers, the number of citations or h-index, among 17 Polish scientists listed in the category: Ecology and evolution, there were three researchers from MRI PAS...
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We kindly invite, especially PhD students, to the workshop “R as a GIS tool” within Open Forest Data Spring School. Details below. It will be two-day remote workshop, May 5-6, 2022. The course will be held by: dr hab. Jakub Nowosad. workshop format: The...
We invite you to a 3-day workshops in bioacoustics “Passive acoustic monitoring (PAM)” organised as part of Open Forest Data Spring School, within the framework of the project: „E-Puszcza. Podlaskie repozytorium przyrodniczych danych naukowych”. The course...