
New scientific grant on Landscape of fear for dr hab D. Kuijper

Dr hab. D.P.J. Kuijper received a new grant from the National Science Center, Poland (OPUS grant no: 2015/17/B/NZ8/02403) entitled “Landscape of fear in closed-canopy forests: combined effects of tree logs and wolves on regeneration of palatable and less palatable...
Next golden jackal from Poland investigated at the MRI!


Next golden jackal from Poland investigated at the MRI!

On September 9, 2015 we received the next information about the jackal hit by a car on the road near the Piszczac town in eastern Poland. Specimen, brought to the Institute on the same day, proved to be a 2-3 year old female with a typical golden coloration and body...
Post-doc positions available in MRI!


Post-doc positions available in MRI!

Department of Biogeography of the Mammal Research Institute PAS is seeking postdocs interested in participating in the project: „Comparison of Y-chromosome polymorphism  with mtDNA and biparentally inherited markers in European population of wolves Canis lupus”....
The DNA metabarcoding Spring School at Białowieża


The DNA metabarcoding Spring School at Białowieża

The DNA metabarcoding Spring School is now in its fifth edition and this year it is co-organized by the team and the Mammal Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences in Białowieża, Poland. The DNA metabarcoding spring school will hold from the...