on the Białowieża Forest!

MRI in media on the Białowieża Forest!

The world’s most popular environmental science and conservation news site features an article byMorgan Erickson-Davis “Ignoring scientists, poland begins logging famous primeval forest” including statements from dr hab. Rafał Kowalczyk...
AFP on the Białowieża Forest

MRI in media

AFP on the Białowieża Forest

The France-Press Agency published a report about the spruce bark beetle outbreak in the Białowieża Forest with statement from dr Rafał Kowalczyk – the director of MRI PAS. You can read the piece here  
Reuters on the Białowieża Forest logging!

MRI in media

Reuters on the Białowieża Forest logging!

The Reuters agency features an article “Under attack from beetles, ancient Polish forest faces chop” on the planned logging of the Białowieża Forest with quotes from dr Rafał Kowalczyk – the director of MRI PAS. You can read the piece here...
Associated Press on the Białowieża Forest logging.

MRI in media

Associated Press on the Białowieża Forest logging.

The Associated Press agency features an article by Vanessa Gera “Fate of primeval forest in balance as Polands plans logging” on the planned logging of the Białowieża Forest with quotes from dr Rafał Kowalczyk – the director of MRI PAS. You can read...
the Guardian on the Bialowieza Forest

MRI in media

the Guardian on the Bialowieza Forest

The Guardian features an article by Arthur Neslen “Last stand for Europe’s remaining ancient forest as loggers prepare to move in” with quotes from Dr. Rafał Kowalczyka and Joanna Lapinska from MRI PAS. You can read the piece here....
Nature on the the Białowieża Forest

MRI in media

Nature on the the Białowieża Forest

The prestigious scientific journal Nature published an article “Polish scientists protest over plan to log in Białowieża Forest” including quotes from dr hab.Rafał Kowalczyk – the Director of the MRI PAS. You can read the piece here  ...