
Population modelling course in MRI PAS

A population modelling course started in MRI on Monday, 14.12.2009. The course is led by a former MRI’s researcher Dr. Jorisa Cromsigta, currently employed at the University of Oslo (CEES), and by Scotta Fortmann-Roe from the Cracow University of Technology. The aim of the course is to familiarise the participants with different types of simulation modelling, including building models, producing simulations and analysing various scenarios. The work is mostly be based on Stella and SIMGUA software. The techniques provided by the course will be further used e.g. in producing a model for the bison habitat use and for the assessment of the impact of herbivores on forest regeneration. Apart from scientific goals, simulation modelling will also be applied to support management decisions concerning protected species (e.g. bison).

The course will end on Friday 18.11.2009. Among the participants there are researchers from MRI, University of Warsaw, University of Białystok and Institute of Zoology PAS.

The course is a part of the BIORESC project – Marie Curie Transfer of Knowledge in Biodiversity Research and Conservation.
