
Seminar of Prof. Hugh Possingham at the MRI

On Monday, 12 September MRI organised a seminar “Conserving biodiversity and managing ecosystem services in landscapes – the Białowieża Primeval Forest as a case study” in the frame of BIOCONSUS project.

First, our distinguished guest speaker Prof. Hugh Possingham (University of Queensland, Australia) provided a broader perspective on making conservation decision. Next, Krzysztof Niedziałkowski talked about the conservation conflict over the Białowieża Primeval Forest (BPF). Thereafter, Grzegorz Mikusiński presented first results of the study on Ecosystem Services provided by the BPF. Finally, Dorota Ławreszuk talked about tourism in BPF. The seminar was rounded-up by a short discussion. For details, please consult the attached program.

Our guest, Prof. Hugh Possingham is one of the most prominent scientists within global conservation science.

Below some pictures from the seminar: