- Academic title:
- MSc
- Unit:
- Genetics and Evolution
- Supervisor:
- Małgorzata Tokarska

I have completed my master's thesis in bioinformatics atBanasthali University, Rajasthan, India. I worked for council of scientific and industrial research(funded by Govt of India) for two years before moving to Europe for PhD. Then Istudiedhuman microbiome data at IGIB, New Delhi, India.
Now I am working within the project on genetic background of posthitis in the European bison males, led by dr hab. MałgorzataTokarska. The aim of my doctoral thesis is to find out the potential role of Y chromosome in posthitis disease in the European bison males. To solve the problem I am looking for species specific SNP markers and study associationsbetween genome and postithis in the European bison.Because my expertise is microbiome data analyzes, I wish I could be able to include microbiome data in the posthitis project.