Nika Knez
PhD Student
Population Ecology
Prof. Rafał Kowalczyk
Education and scientific degrees

2020: M.A. ‘Geography’, Departmen of Geography, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Thesis: ‘European bison potential habitat prediction for reintroduction in Slovenia’.

2016: B.A. ‘Geography’, Department of Geography, University of Ljubljana; Russian language and literature, Department of Slavistics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Research profile

My scientific interests include animal ecology, biodiversity conservation and biogeography. My PhD research focuses on influence of nutritional resources on performance of European bison.

International experience

Since October 2022: PhD student, Mammal Research Institute PAS, Poland.

2021-2022: Research assistant, Open University of Cyprus, Terrestrial ecosystem management lab, Cyprus.

2021: Volunteer, State Forestry Agency, Cyprus.

2019: Intern, Znesinnya Landscape and Regional Park, Ukraine.

2018: Intern, Open University of Cyprus, Terrestrial ecosystem management lab, Cyprus

Research projects
  • 2022-2026, NCN 2021/41/B/NZ8/03904 Influence of nutritional resources on a refugee species performance: European bison as a model species