- Academic title:
- dr. habil.
- Position:
- Professor MRI PAS
- Unit:
- Ecophysiology and Behavioral Ecology

- Habilitation: University of Białystok, 2013
- PhD thesis, 2003, Museum and Institute of Zoology in Warsaw, dissertation title: "Factors affecting selection and cavity use by bats in Białowieża Forest"
- Master thesis, 1995, University of Torun, Dept. of Biology entitle: "Bats inhabiting man-made shelters in Zaborski and Gostynińsko-Włocławski Lendscape Park"
- 1990-95, Studies in botany, animal physiology, zoology, genetics at University of Toruń, Poland
The main research of I. Ruczynski includes ecology and conservation of forest dwelling bats but also sensory ecology of roost selection and information transfers in bats. He conducts studies on space use, roosting and mating behavior of bats in Białowieża Forest. He has also participated in research on intraspecific competition in shrew community (verification in the removing experiments). In his work, Dr. Ruczyński combines field (radiotelemetry and ultrasound detection) and laboratory methods (playback experiments in flight room). Currently I. Ruczyński stay in Max-Planck-Institut für Ornithologie in Seewiesen in Germany, in the framework of program of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education "Support for International Mobility of Scientists".
- Germany, 2009-2011 (18 months). Max-Planck-Institut für Ornithologie in Seewiesen in Germany. Program of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education "Support for International Mobility of Scientists".
- Scotland, 2008 (3 months). University of Aberdeen (Prof. P.A. Racey). Stay financed in framework of Marie Curie Transfer of Knowledge in Biodiversity Research and Conservation BIORESC.
- Panama, 2000 (1 month). Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Invitation of Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (Prof. E. Kalko)
- The best of the bad compromises - Evolutionary fators shaping male sociality
- Cognitive processes in low and high temperatures. Project carring out in Max-Planck Institut für Ornithologie in Seewiesen (Germany)
- The sensory ecology of roost selection in bats
- Factors affecting selection and cavity use by bats in Białowieża Forest
- Member of Polish Society of Bat Protection
- Member of the Local Ethical Commission (2006-2009)
- Member of Advisory Board of Mammal Research Institute PAS (2006-2009)