- Academic title:
- dr. habil.
- Position:
- Professor MRI PAS
- Unit:
- Population Ecology

- Habilitation - University of Białystok, Faculty of Biology and Chemistry, 2018
- PhD -W. Stefański Institute of Parasitology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 2006.
- MSc - Warsaw University, Biology Department, 1999.
Marta Kołodziej-Sobocińska's research interests are in immunology and parasitology. She is currently studying the mechanisms involved in immune defence against parasitic invasions and in the formation of the balance between host and parasite in wild animal populations - using the invasion of the blood sucking nematode Ashworthius sidemi in European bison (Bison bonasus) in Białowieża Forest as a case study. Another topic of the research is to study parasitofauna of: carnivores in the Białowieża Forest and American mink (Neovison vison) in five Polish national parks.
Recently she discovered Spirometra erinaceieuropaei tapeworm in badger, raccoon dog and wild boar. This tapeworm is rarely investigated parasite in Europe and, as indicated by preliminary research, often occurs in north-eastern Poland. It can be a potential threat to humans in connection with the consumption of wild boar meat.
1999-2018 - Slovak Republic, Institute of Parasitology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Kosice: Annual scientific cooperation and research visits in order to understand and improve the immunoparasitological methods used in the study of immune response activated during the infection of Trichinella parasites on a mouse model and to diagnose the occurence of zoonotic diseases in wild rodents and carnivore mammals.
International conferences: 8th European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, Poznań, Poland (2000); 18th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology, Stresa, Italy (2001); 12th Congress of Polish Society of Clinical and Experimental Immunology, Lublin, Poland (2005); 10th International Helminthological Symposium, Stara Lesna, Slovak Republic (2007); 7th International Moose Symposium, Białowieża, Poland (2012); European bison management. Lessons from the past, Białowieża, Poland (2012); Invasive Species Workshop, Białowieża, Poland (2012); V4 Parasitological Meeting - Parasites in the Heart of Europe, Stara Lesna, Slovak Republic (2014); International Congress on Parasites of Wildlife and 43rd Annual PARSA Conference, Kruger National Park, Republic of South Africa (2014), 7th European Congress of Mammalogy, Stockholm, Sweden (2015), 12th International Mammalogical Congres, Perth, Australia (2017)
2016 - scientific visit concerning parasitological study of Armenian mammals in the frame of BIOGEAST project, Yerevan State University, Armenia (1 month)
- 2017-2020. project no. 2016/21/B/NZ8/02429 (OPUS). Genetic diversity and factors influencing the level of infection and spread of sparganosis (Spirometra erinaceieuropaei) in wild animal populations. Project financed by the National Science Centre. Principal Investigator.
- 2017-2020. project no. 2016/23/B/NZ8/01010 (OPUS). Spatial dynamics, genetic diversity and influence of Aleutian mink disease virus on introduced American mink and native mustelids. Project financed by the National Science Centre. The main project executor.
- 2014-2019. project no. 2013/10/E/NZ8/00725 (SONATA BIS). The best of the bad compromises - Evolutionary factors shaping male sociality. Project financed by the National Science Centre. Project executor.
- 2013-2016. project no. 2012/05/B/NZ8/01247 (OPUS). Adaptation of alien invasive species - the impact of ranch escapee American mink on feral population". Project financed by the National Science Centre. The main project executor.
- 2013-2016. project no. 2012/07/B/NZ8/00066 (OPUS). Factors affecting host-parasite relationship - the case of blood-sucking nematode Ashworthius sidemi invasion in wild-living European bison (Bison bonasus) in the Białowieża Primeval Forest. . Project financed by National Science Centre. The main project executor.
- 2003-2005. project no. 3PO4C 015 24. Influence of free radicals on Trichinella spiralis infection in mice. Project financed by State Committee for Scientific Research. The main project executor.
- 1999-2001. project no. 5 P06K 025 17. Detection of Echinococcus multilocularis antigens in the final hosts. Project financed by State Committee for Scientific Research, Project executor.
- Member of the Polish Parasitological Society.
- Secretary / Member of the Scientific Council of the Mammal Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences (2015-2018).
- Secretary / Member of the Scientific Council of the Mammal Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences (2019-2022).