- Academic title:
- dr. habil.
- Position:
- Professor MRI PAS
- Unit:
- Biogeography

- Habilitation, 2017, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Biology
- PhD: 2008, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Biology
- MSc: 2002, University of Warsaw, Inter-faculty MSc Programme in Environmental Protection (ISPEP - in Polish MSOŚ), Warsaw
My scientific interests concern the genetic diversity of mammals (ungulates, large carnivores, rodents) and factors which have an impact on such diversity, e.g. ecological factors, landscape structure or history and origin of the studied populations. In my PhD thesis "Genetic structure of red deer Cervus elaphus population in woodlands of north-eastern Poland", I analysed the impact of the history of the wildlife management and present landscape structure on the genetic diversity of the population of red deer. Another field of my interests covers ecology and conservation of large carnivores (wolf and lynx). In my studies I use methods of molecular biology (analyses of microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA) and methods of spatial analyses (GIS).
- 2 weeks, 2015, scientific visit concerning genetic study on large mammals in the frame of BIOGEAST project, Yerevan State University, Armenia
- 2 weeks, 2015, scientific visit concerning genetic study on large mammals in the frame of BIOGEAST project , the Scientific and Practical Centre for Biological Resources, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus
- 2 weeks, 2014, scientific visit concerning analyses of ancient DNA, National History Museum in London, UK
01.10.2007-31.01.2008 Marie Curie Fellowship in BIOCONS Project, University of Leeds (Institute of Integrative and Comperative Biology), UK - 1 week, 2005, scientific visit concerning methods of ecological studies on dormice, Institute of Ecology, Vilnius University, Lithuania
- 1 week, 2003, scientific visit concerning methods of analyses of long term ungulate demographic data, University of Oslo, Faculty of Biology, Norway
- "Genetic diversity and habitat selectivity of red deer (Cervus elaphus) in Europe and Asia in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene"
- "Phylogeography and genetic diversity of European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe"
- "Polymorphism of mtDNA, Y chromosome and autosomal microsatellites of wild boar (Sus scrofa) populations dwelling Poland and Belarus"
- "Mechanisms of the long-term maintenance of a narrow contact zone of two phylogeographic lineages of the bank vole Myodes glarelous in NE Poland"
- "Roe deer Capreolus capreolus - Impact of landscape structure on population genetics"
- "Association between environmental variables and adaptive genetic variation of European wolves - population genomics approach"
- „Impact of landscape structure on spatial genetic diversity of yellow necked mouse Apodemus flavicollis in north-eastern Poland"
- "Moose Alces alces - Genetic structure of populations in Central and Eastern Europe and its determinants"
- "Impact of forest fragmentation and isolation on species and genetic diversity of mammals in north-eastern Poland"
- „Genetic structure of red deer Cervus elaphus population in woodlands of north-eastern Poland"
- Phylogeography, genetic diversity and habitats of occurence of moose (Alces alces) in Eurasia in Late Pleistocene and Holocene
- Visiting fellow in the Wild Urban Evolution and Ecology Lab, Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw, Poland
- Associate editor of Mammal Research (previously Acta Theriologica)
- Member of the Mammal Research Institute PAS Scientific Council