- Academic title:
- MSc
- Position:
- Phd Student
- Unit:
- Biogeography

Master of science: 2017, Warsaw University, Inter-faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of plant ecology and environmental protection
Bachelor of science: 2014, Warsaw University, Inter-faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of ecology
Scientific interests of Michał walesiak concern ecology and biogeography of animals, with special focus on birds. In his master’s thesis he analysed changes in abundance and nesting behavior of waterfowl in response to American mink (Neovison vison) predation. On Madagascar, he worked on differences in retreat site choice in Opisthacanthus madagascariensis scorpion regarding to its age class. Currently, his PhD research focuses on influence of large scale ecosystem disturbances (such as fires, windthrows and bark beetle infestations) on bird biodiversity in temperate climate zone.
2016 Tropical Biology Association field course, Kirindy forest, Madagascar, 1 month