30.04.2024 Ogłoszenie o naborze doktoranta

PhD position at Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Białowieża, Poland

We are looking for a motivated PhD student to work in a project “Water availability in temperate ecosystems – an emerging driver of large mammals activity and space-use in the era of global warming” funded by National Science Center (NCN).

The summary and objectives of the project
Increasing temperatures and drought frequencies have caused significant water deficits and a rising water crisis in many regions worldwide. So far, studies linking water availability with different aspects of large mammal behaviour and ecology have been conducted almost exclusively in arid and semi-arid ecosystems. However, little is known about these relationships for large mammals occurring in temperate climates. The main aim of the proposed project is to describe the ecological consequences of the water availability for large mammals in temperate ecosystems. We plan to explore this problem by using data on the distribution of large mammals in the Polish part of Białowieża Forest (telemetry and camera-trap data). We expect that in temperate zone, space use of large mammals during growing season (May-September) will reflect the spatio-temporal variation in water availability. We predict that during drier periods, mammals will increase utilization of wet habitats and waterbodies. Additionally, we expect water use to be species-specific, with large-bodied grazers being more water-dependent than small-bodied browsers. Furthermore, predation and interspecific competition for access to water should cause spatial and temporal segregation of large mammals at drinking sites. The project will provide new knowledge on the effect of water availability on the ecology and behaviour of large mammals and initiate a broader discussion on the consequences of water deficit for large mammals in temperate ecosystems.

The working environment
Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences (MRIPAS) in Białowieża, conducts research in the field of ecology, ethology, morphology, population genetics as well as population management and conservation of mammals and other terrestrial vertebrates. The mission of the Institute is to acquire, advance, and disseminate knowledge of natural patterns and processes in order to improve the scientific basis for effective nature conservation activities and sustainable development. We focus mainly on Białowieża Primeval Forest (UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site) as a study area, but also on other regions of Poland and Europe. The Institute employs 60 people, including researchers, PhD students, and qualified technical and office staff.

We offer:
• Employment as a PhD student for 4 years, starting October 2024.
• A gross monthly salary of 5000 PLN (the highest allowed by the National Science Centre for PhD students) for the first two years and 6000 PLN during the last two years of the project, ensuring a pretty good standard of living in Poland.
• Possibility to apply for affordable accommodation in MRI PAS flats.
• Participation in an interesting scientific project with the oportunity to attend scientific confrerences.
• Work in a friendly research team, with strong support from the project leader: assisting with data collection, analyses and scientific writing.
• Assistance in applying for a PhD fellowship to one of the leading research institutions in Europe through the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (3-6 months).
• Possibility to attend courses, workshops and conferences organized by MRIPAS and BIOPLANET doctoral school.

PhD student tasks and duties within the project:
• Inventory of water sites in the Białowieża Forest.
• Collecting data on the presence and behaviour of ungulates and large predators at water sites using camera-traps.
• Management of collected material – storage and classification of videos captured by camera-traps.
• Preparation of a database containing both information on the presence and behaviour of animals and environmental variables.
• Performing GIS and statistical analyses of already collected data (telemetry data) and gathered during the project.
• Writing scientific articles.

• MSc degree in biology, ecology or related subjects (candidates must obtain degree not later than 01.10.2024).
• Good knowledge on ecology of ungulates and large predators of Europe.
• Good written and spoken English.
• Skills in the use of statistical methods in ecology.
• Knowledge on GIS software (e.g. QGIS) and the R environment.
• Experience of working in the field (also in difficult conditions).
• Ability to work as a part of a team.
• Valid driving licence.

Required documents:
The recruitment process of the BioPlanet Doctoral School is joined with the recruitment of doctoral applicants to a project funded by external institutions (National Science Centre, The National Centre for Research and Development, Foundation for Polish Science, etc.), the beneficiary of which is one of the institutes forming the Doctoral School.
1. Application for admission to the BIOPLANET Doctoral School along with consent for the personal data to be processed for recruitment, and declaration of acceptance of the terms and conditions of admission (application form).
2. Certified copy of diploma or certificate of completion of studies. If the applicant does not have proof of the qualifications, s/he must provide them before the Doctoral School program begins.
3. CV including education, employment and research experience with a list of publications and a short description of scientific achievements, particularly information on participation in scientific conferences, workshops, training and internships, participation in research projects, involvement in learned societies and students’ scientific associations, and awarded distinctions and scholarships.
4. Certificates or other documents confirming knowledge of English, if the applicant has them at his/her disposal.
5. An opinion on the applicant and their past scientific activity from an academic staff member or a university teacher with at least a doctoral degree. Instead of providing such a document, a person who is an academic staff member or a university teacher who holds at least a doctoral degree can be designated from whom the Recruitment Committee can independently obtain their opinion on the applicant.
6. Declaration of consent for the processing of personal data, attached below (only the first signed page should be scanned and delivered through e-mail).

Conditions of employment:
1. The recruitment rules will follow NCN regulations. The selection will be based on the qualifications of the candidates, including scientific achievements, experience, awards, internships, skills and competencies. An interview will be part of the selection of candidates. Recruitment is a two-stage process and includes: 1) evaluation of candidates’ documentation and 2) an interview with selected candidates.
2. Applications should be sent directly to Tomasz Borowik by letter or electronically by 15th August 2024. The selected candidates will be invited to an online or in-person interview, and the final decision will be announced by 15th September 2024.

Tomasz Borowik PhD – project leader
Mammal Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences
Ul. Stoczek 1,
17-230 Białowieża, Poland
e-mail: tborowik@ibs.bialowieza.pl; phone +48 85 682-77-86



Declaration of consent for processing of personal data within the framework of the competition procedure for granting scientific scholarships in research projects funded by the National Science Centre

I consent for my personal data to be processed by the Institute of Mammal Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as IBS PAN) for the purposes necessary for the recruitment process on the award of scientific scholarships in research projects funded by the National Science Centre (in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Regulation on Data Protection ) (J.L. EU. 2016, No. 119, p. 1) – hereinafter referred to as RODO, and national data protection regulations issued on its basis.



………………………………………………                                         …………………………………….

Place, date                                                                             Signature



I consent for my personal data to be processed by the Mammal Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences in Białowieża (hereinafter referred to as IBS PAN) for the purposes of the recruitment process for the award of scientific scholarships in research projects funded by the National Science Centre (required if the data provided include special categories of data referred to in Article 9(1) of the RODO).



………………………………………………                             …………………………………….

Place, date                                                                 Signature


General Regulation on Data Protection (RODO) information clause

(drawn up in connection with the implementation of the obligation indicated in Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons in connection with the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC. (Official Journal of the EU L 119, p. 1).

  1. The Administrator of your personal data is the Mammal Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Białowieża (hereinafter referred to as IBS PAN), represented by the Director of IBS PAN 1 Stoczek St., 17-230 Białowieża, e-mail address: mripas@ibs.bialowieza.pl, tel. 85 682 77 50.
  2. Any questions regarding the manner and extent of the processing of your personal data and your rights under the RODO, can be directed to the designated Data Protection Officer at email address: iod@ibs.bialowieza.pl or by writing to the registered office address indicated above with the reference „Data Protection Officer”.
  3. Your personal data will be processed for the purpose and in the scope necessary to carry out the competition procedure for the scholarship, awarding scientific scholarships in research projects funded by the National Centre for Science, and in the case of selection for the position of a scholarship holder, in connection with the conclusion of a scholarship agreement for the payment of a scientific scholarship and activities connected with the collection of the scientific scholarship, your data will be processed on the basis of the Rules of Procedure for Awarding Scientific Scholarships in Research Projects Funded by the National Centre for Science, the Agreement for the Implementation and Financing of the Research Project (hereinafter referred to as „Project”) in the framework of which the competition for the position of a scholarship holder is carried out (art. 6 1(b) RODO). Your personal data will also be processed on the basis of your consent to the processing of data in order to carry out the competition procedure – the basis for the processing of personal data will then be Article 6(1)(a) RODO and Article 9(2)(a) RODO. The Administrator may also process personal data in order to protect its legitimate interests (Article 6(1)(f) RODO) – in order to service, investigate and defend in the event of the occurrence of mutual claims.
  4. The recipients of your personal data will be: The National Science Centre in Cracow, the appointed Scholarship Committee, entities assessing or controlling the proper implementation of the Project, within the framework of which the agreement was concluded, entities conducting control and evaluation and other entities entitled to obtain data on the basis of legal regulations.
  5. Your personal data will be stored until the end of the recruitment process from the date of your application, unless, before the expiry of the period indicated above, you withdraw your consent to the processing of your data or restrict it, subject to point 6. In the event, that the basis for the processing of your personal data after the recruitment process has been completed is the legitimate interest of the administrator (e.g. in case when the processing of your personal data after the recruitment process is based on the legitimate interest of the administrator (e.g. in connection with the proceedings before the administrative court initiated by the candidate as a result of the refusal to grant the NCN research scholarship or suspension of the NCN research scholarship payment in connection with the termination of the scholarship agreement), your personal data will be processed only until the proceedings based on the legitimate interest of the administrator is completed or until you make an effective objection.
  6. In the case of obtaining a NCN research scholarship (i.e. successful completion of the recruitment process and conclusion of an agreement for a NCN research scholarship payment), the processing of your personal data will take place for the entire period of the agreement for the implementation and financing of the research project within the framework of which the competition for the position of a scholarship holder was held, until the completion of Project implementation and settlement of the agreement for Project implementation and financing concluded with National Science Centre, and then until the expiration of the period of limitation of any possible claims resulting from the contract in the Project, and after that period the data will be kept for archiving purposes – for the period provided for by the law.
  7. You have the right to request access to your personal data (including making a copy of it) and, under the conditions set out in the RODO, the right to rectify (amend), erase or restrict processing, object to the processing of your data, transfer your data and the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority, which in Poland is the Inspector General for the Office for Personal Data Protection, having its registered office at: Office for Personal Data Protection, 2 Stawki St., 00-193 Warsaw.
  8. You also have the right to withdraw your consent for the control to process your personal data at any time. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the compliance of the processing of your personal data which was performed on the basis of consent given before its withdrawal. However, revoking your consent to data processing during the recruitment process may make it impossible to grant an NCN research scholarship.
  9. Providing your personal data is voluntary, but necessary to participate in the competition procedure in the competition procedure, and in the case of a scholarship award it is a condition for the conclusion and performance of the agreement for the payment of a NCN research scholarship.
  10. Your personal data obtained for recruitment purposes will not be transferred to a third country or international organization.
  11. Your personal data will not be subject to automated decision-making, including in the form of profiling.