08.04.2022 Dina Dechmann, Ephemeral resource adaptations
06.05.2022 Bogdan Jaroszewicz, The effectiveness and environmental costs of border fencing.
03.06.2022 hab. Katarzyna Wojczulanis-Jakubas, Parental care from a perspective of a pelagic seabird
01.07.2022 Tomasz Borowik, Quo vadis moose? Movement strategies of moose in Eastern Poland.
13.07.2022 Liana Zanette, The ecology of fear
15.07.2022 Izabela Stachowicz, Habitat loss, hunting and wildfire – accelerating threats for mammals in highland Amazon, Venezuela
21.07.2022 Eunice Blavascunas Foresters, borders, and bark beetles: The future of Europe’s last meval forest
05.08.2022 Katarzyna Nowak, Possibilities and limitations of using public-sourced photos in scientific research: A case study of mountain goats shedding winter coats.
17.08.2022 Tristan Charles-Dominique, Mammals and spiny trees: autopsy of a love-hate relationship
02.09.2022 Maciej Sykut, Factors shaping variability of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in bone collagen of red deer (Cervus elaphus) from European populations since the Late Pleistocene until today
07.10.2022 Michał Walesiak, Short-term influence of fire on birds in Biebrza National Park
28.10.2022 Karin Amsten, Mats Niklasson, Jenny Loberg, Grazing and fire – Key cesses for tree and flowering plant succession
04.11.2022 Rafał Kowalczyk, Moose antlers and citizen science
02.12.2022 Beata Bramorska, The effect of winter severity on space use of European bison around feeding sites in Białowieża meval Forest
13.01.2021 – Szafrańska P. (IBS PAN) „How the environment shapes animals physiology”
13.01.2021 – Ruczyński I. (IBS PAN) „From energetic constarins to sociality in bats”
26.01.2021 – Kuijper D. (IBS PAN): „Keep the wolf from the door: How to conserve wolves in Europe’s human-dominated landscapes?”
02.02.2021 – Fasel N. (Uniwersytet w Lozannie, Szwajcaria) „Evolution of post-copulatory characters in vesper bats”
02.03.2021 – Maziarz M. (Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN, Warszawa) „Birds’ enemies and allies in the primeval Białowieża Forest (Poland)”
25.05.2021 – Kravchenko K. (Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin, Niemcy) „Climate-driven changes in migratory behavior and distribution of the common noctule bat (Nyctalus noctula)” 01.06.2021 – Niedziałkowska M. (IBS PAN) „Biogeography, phylogenetics and phylogeography od red dear (Cervus elaphus) in Eurasia since the Late Pleistocene”
17.08.2021 – Kunvar S. (IBS PAN) „Methods of identification of SNPs – effectiveness of two approaches in the European bison”
05.10.2021 – Dechmann D. (Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, Radolfzell, Niemcy) „Ephemeral Resource Adaptations”
22.12.2020 – dr Joanna Stojak, „Hantavirus infections in humans in Poland – current state of knowledge and prespectives for research”
15.12.2020 – dr Krzysztof Niedziałkowski, „Killing in the name of? Political history of wolf management in Belarus”
08.12.2020 – dr hab. Marta Kołodziej-Sobocińska, „What „bites” mammals in Białowieża Primeval Forest? Diseases and parasites in wildlife”