Artykuły naukowe (88) Powrót do góry
  1. Churski M, Kuijper DPJ, Semmelmayer K, Bond WJ, Cromsigt JPGM, Wang Y, Tristan Charles-Dominique T. 2024. Tree growth-forms reveal dominant browsers shaping the vegetation. Functional Ecology 38 (9) : 2027-2040. DOI:
  2. Hwang BC, Giardina CP, Adu-Bredu S, ..., Kuijper DPJ, ..., Šamonil P, Stępniak KM, Walsh SK, Xu H. 2024. The impact of insect herbivory on biogeochemical cycling in broadleaved forests varies with temperature. Nature Communications 15 (6011) DOI:
  3. Smith AF, Kasper K, Lazzeri L, Schulte M, Kudrenko S, Say-Sallaz E, Churski M, Shamovich D, Obrizan S, Domashevsky S, Korepanova K, Bashta A-T, Zhuravchak R, Gahbauer M, Pirga B, Fenchuk V, Kusak J, Ferretti F, Kuijper DPJ, Schmidt K, Heurich M. 2024. Reduced human disturbance increases diurnal activity in wolves, but not eurasian lynx. Global Ecology and Conservation 53 (e02985) DOI:
  4. Gerber N, Riesch F, Bojarska K, Zetsche M, Rohwer NK, Signer J, Isselstein J, Herzog S, Okarma H, Kuijper DPJ, Balkenhol N. 2024. Do recolonising wolves trigger non-consumptive effects in European ecosystems? A review of evidence. Wildlife Biology 6 (e01229) DOI:
  5. Ramirez IJ, Kuijper DPJ, Olofsson J, Smit C, Hofmeester T, Siewert M, Widemo F, Cromsigt J. 2024. Applied ecology of fear: A meta-analysis on the potential of facilitating human-wildlife coexistence through nonlethal tools. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 5 (e12322) DOI: Link
  6. Smit C, Kuijper DPJ. 2024. Free-ranging cattle and the return of the wolf: behavioral responses and implications for conservation management. Wildlife Biology (e01237) DOI: 10.1002/wlb3.01237 Link
  7. Amsten K, Cromsigt JPGM, Kuijper DPJ, Loberg JM, Jung J, Strömgren M, Niklasson M, Churski M. 2024. Pyric herbivory in a temperate European wood-pasture system. Journal of Applied Ecology 61(5) : 1081-1094. DOI:
  8. Diserens TA, Churski M, Bubnicki JW, Zalewski A, Brzeziński M, Kuijper DPJ. 2024. Badgers remain fearless in the face of simulated wolf presence near their setts. Ecology & Evolution 14 (e10654) DOI:
  9. Bubnicki JW, Norton B, Baskauf SJ, Bruce T, Cagnacci F, Casaer J, Churski M, Cromsigt JPGM, Dal Farra S, Fiderer C, Forrester TD, Hendry H, Heurich M, Hofmeester TR, Jansen PA, Kays R, Kuijper DPJ, Liefting Y, Linnell JDC, Luskin MS, Mann C, Milotic T, Newman P, Niedballa J, Oldoni D, Ossi F, Robertson T, Rovero F, Rowcliffe M, Seidenari L, Stachowicz I, Stowell D, Tobler MW, Wieczorek J, Zimmermann F, Desmet P. 2024. Camtrap DP: an open standard for the FAIR exchange and archiving of camera trap data. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 10 (3) : 283-295. DOI:
  10. Burton CA, Beirne C, Gaynor KM, ..., Churski M, ..., Diserens TA, ..., Kuijper DPJ, ..., Kays R. 2024. Mammal responses to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape. Nature Ecology & Evolution 8 : 924-935. DOI:
  11. Kuijper DPJ, Diserens TA, Say-Sallaz E, Kasper K, Szafrańska PA, Szewczyk M, Stępniak KM. 2024. Wolves recolonize novel ecosystems leading to novel interactions. Journal of Applied Ecology 61(5) : 906-921. DOI:
  12. Mas-Carrió E, Churski M, Kuijper DPJ, Fumagalli L. 2024. Niche overlap across landscape variability in summer between two large herbivores using eDNA metabarcoding. PloS ONE 19(2) (e0279672) DOI:
  13. Lazzeri L, Ferretti F, Churski M, Diserens TA, Oliveira R, Schmidt K, Kuijper DJP. 2024. Spatio-temporal interactions between the red fox and the wolf in two contrasting European landscapes. Scientific Reports 14 (221) DOI:
  14. van Beeck Calkoen STS, Kuijper DPJ, Apollonio M, Blondel L, Dormann CF, Storch I, Heurich M. 2023. Numerical top-down effects on red deer (Cervus elaphus) are mainly shaped by humans rather than large carnivores across Europe. Journal of Applied Ecology 60 : 2625-2635. DOI: Link
  15. Bluhm H,  Diserens TA,  Engleder T,  Heising K,  Heurich M,  Janík T,  Jirků M,  Klich D,  König HJ, Kowalczyk R, Kuijper D,  Maślanko W,  Michler FU,  Neumann W,  Oeser J,  Olech W,  Perzanowski K,  Ratkiewicz M,  Romportl D,  Šálek M,  Kuemmerle T. 2023. Widespread habitat for Europe's largest herbivores, but poor connectivity limits recolonization. Diversity and Distributions 29 : 423-437. DOI:
  16. Diserens TA, Churski M, Bubnicki JW, Zalewski A, Brzeziński M, Kuijper DPJ. 2022. Wolf risk fails to inspire fear in two mesocarnivores suggesting facilitation prevails. Scientific Reports 12 (1) (16469) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-20725-3
  17. Mols B, Churchill JE, Cromsig JPGM, Kuijper DPJ, Smit C. 2022. Recreation reduces tick density through fine-scale risk effects on deer space-use. Science of The Total Environment 839 (156222) DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.156222
  18. Churski M, Charles-Dominique T, Bubnicki JW, Jędrzejewska B, Kuijper DPJ, Cromsigt JPGM. 2022. Herbivore-induced branching increases sapling survival in temperate forest canopy gaps. Journal of Ecology 110 : 1390-1402. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13880
  19. Bogdziewicz M, Kuijper D, Zwolak R, Churski M, Jędrzejewska B, Wysocka-Fijorek E, Gazda A, Miścicki S, Podgórski T. 2022. Emerging infectious disease triggered a trophic cascade and enhanced recruitment of a masting tree. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289 (1970) DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2021.2636
  20. van Beeck Calkoen STS, Deis MH, Oeser J, Kuijper DPJ, Heurich M. 2022. Humans rather than Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) shape ungulate browsing patterns in a temperate forest. Ecosphere 13(2) (e3931) DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.3931
  21. Mols B, Lambers E, Cromsigt JPGM, Kuijper DPJ, Smit C. 2022. Recreation and hunting differentially affect deer behaviour and sapling performance. Oikos 1 (e08448) DOI: 10.1111/oik.08448
  22. Widén A, Clinchy M, Felton AM, Hofmeester TR, Kuijper DPJ, Singh NJ, Widemo F, Zanette LY, Cromsigt JPGM. 2022. Playbacks of predator vocalizations reduce crop damage by ungulates. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 328 (107853) DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2022.107853
  23. Amsten K, Cromsigt JPGM, Kuijper DPJ, Loberg JM, Churski M, Niklasson M. 2021. Fire- and herbivory-driven consumer control in a savanna-like temperate wood-pasture: An experimental approach. Journal of Ecology 109 (12) : 4103-4114. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13783
  24. van Beeck Calkoen STS, Kreikenbohm R, Kuijper DPJ, Heurich M. 2021. Olfactory cues of large carnivores modify red deer behavior and browsing intensity. Behavioral Ecology 32 (5) : 982-992. DOI: 10.1093/beheco/arab071
  25. van Ginkel HAL, Churski M, Kuijper DPJ, Smit C. 2021. Impediments affect deer foraging decisions and sapling performance. Forest Ecology and Management 482 (118838) DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118838
  26. Kortmann M, Müller JC, Baier R, Bässler C, Busee J, Cholewińska O, Förschler MI, Georgiev KB, Hilszczański J, Jaroszewicz B, Jaworski T, Kaufmann S, Kuijper D, Lorz J, Lotz A, Łubek A, Mayer M, Mayerhofer S, Meyer S, Morinière J, Popa F, Reith H, Roth N, Seibold S, Seidl R, Stengel E, Wolski GJ, Thorn S. 2021. Ecology versus society: Impacts of bark beetle infestations on biodiversity and restorativeness in protected areas of Central Europe. Biological Conservation 254 (108931) DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108931
  27. Proudman NJ, Churski M, Bubnicki JW, Jan-Åke Nilsson, Kuijper DPJ. 2021. Red deer allocate vigilance differently in response to spatio-temporal patterns of risk from human hunters and wolves. Wildlife Research 48(2) : 163-174. DOI: 10.1071/WR20059 Link
  28. Churski M, Spitzer R, Coissac E, Taberlet P, Lescinskaite J, van Ginkel HAL, Kuijper DPJ, Cromsigt JPGM. 2021. How do forest management and wolf space-use affect diet composition of the wolf’s main prey, the red deer versus a non-prey species, the European bison?. Forest Ecology and Management 479 (118620) DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118620
  29. Diserens TA, Bubnicki JW, Schutgens E, Rokx K, Kowalczyk R, Kuijper DPJ, Churski M. 2021. Fossoriality in a risky landscape: badger sett use varies with perceived wolf risk. Journal of Zoology 313 : 76-87. DOI: 10.1111/jzo.12835
  30. Morelle K, Bubnicki J, Churski M, Gryz J, Podgórski T, Kuijper DPJ. 2020. Disease-induced mortality outweighs hunting in causing wild boar population crash after African swine fever outbreak. Frontiers in Veterinary Sciences 7 (378) DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2020.00378
  31. Diserens TA, Churski M, Bubnicki JW, Stępniak K, Pekach A, Selva N, Kuijper DPJ. 2020. A dispersing bear in Białowieża Forest raises important ecological and conservation management questions for the central European lowlands. Global Ecology and Conservation 23 (e01190) DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01190
  32. van Ginkel HAL, Smit C, Kuijper DPJ. 2019. Behavioral response of naïve and non-naïve deer to wolf urine. PloS ONE 14(11) (e0223248) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0223248
  33. Bubnicki JW, Churski M, Schmidt K, Diserens TA, Kuijper DPJ. 2019. Linking spatial patterns of terrestrial herbivore community structure to trophic interactions. eLIFE 8 (e44937) DOI: 10.7554/eLife.44937.001
  34. Chen Q, Howison RA, Bakker JP, Alberti J, Kuijper DPJ, Olff H, Smit C. 2019. Small herbivores slow down species loss up to 22 years but only at early successional stage. Journal of Ecology 107 (6) : 2688-2696. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13236
  35. Fležar U, le Roux E, Kerley GIH, Kuijper DPJ, te Beest M, Druce DJ, Prinsloo D, Cromsigt JPGM. 2019. Simulated elephant-induced habitat changes can create dynamic landscapes of fear. Biological Conservation 237 : 267-279. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2019.07.012
  36. Kuijper DPJ, Churski M, Trouwborst A, Heurich M, Smit C, Kerley GIH, Cromsigt JPGM. 2019. Keep the wolf from the door: how to conserve wolves in Europe’s human-dominated landscapes?. Biological Conservation 235 : 102-111. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2019.04.004
  37. Niedziałkowski K, Jaroszewicz B, Kowalczyk R, Kuijper DPJ, Mikusiński G, Selva N, Walankiewicz W, Wesołowski T. 2019. Effective mitigation of conservation conflicts and participatory governance: reflections on Kuboń et al. Conservation Biology 33 (4) : 962-965. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13332
  38. Spitzer R, Churski M, Felton A, Heurich M, Kuijper DPJ, Landman M, Rodriguez E, Singh NJ, Taberlet P, van Beeck Calkoen STS, Widemo F, Cromsigt JPGM. 2019. Doubting dung: eDNA reveals high rates of misidentification in diverse European ungulate communities. European Journal of Wildlife Research 65 (28) DOI: 10.1007/s10344-019-1264-8
  39. Weterings MJA, Ewert SP, Peereboom JN, Kuipers HJ, Kuijper DPJ, Prins HHT, Jansen van Langevelde F, van Wieren SE. 2019. Implications of shared predation for space use in two sympatric leporids. Ecology and Evolution 9 (6) : 3457-3469. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4980
  40. van Ginkel HAL, Kuijper DPJ, Schotanus J, Smit C. 2019. Wolves and tree logs: landscape-scale and fine-scale risk factors interactively influence tree regeneration. Ecosystems 22 : 202-212. DOI: 10.1007/s10021-018-0263-z
  41. Mikusiński G, Bubnicki JW, Churski M, Czeszczewik D, Walankiewicz W, Kuijper DPJ. 2018. Is the impact of loggings in the last primeval lowland forest in Europe underestimated? The conservation issues of Białowieża Forest. Biological Conservation 227 : 266-274. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2018.09.001
  42. Hedwall PO, Churski M, Jędrzejewska B, Miścicki S, Kuijper DPJ. 2018. Functional composition of temperate forest trees under chronic ungulate herbivory. Journal of Vegetation Science 29 (2) : 179-188. DOI: 10.1111/jvs.12623
  43. Samojlik T, Selva N, Daszkiewicz P, Fedotova A, Wajrak A, Kuijper DPJ. 2018. Lessons from Białowieża Forest on the history of protection and the world's first reintroduction of a large carnivore. Conservation Biology 32 (4) : 808-816. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13088
  44. van Beeck Calkoen, Kuijper DPJ, Sand H, Singh NJ, van Wieren SE, Cromsigt JPGM. 2018. Does wolf presence reduce moose browsing intensity in young forest plantations?. Ecography 41 (11) : 1776-1787. DOI: 10.1111/ecog.03329
  45. Zbyryt A, Bubnicki JW, Kuijper DPJ, Dehnhard M, Churski M, Schmidt K. 2018. Do wild ungulates experience higher stress with humans than with large carnivores?. Behavioral Ecology 29 : 19-30. DOI: 10.1093/beheco/arx142
  46. Churski M, Bubnicki JW, Jędrzejewska B, Kuijper DPJ, Cromsigt JPMG. 2017. Brown world forests: increased ungulate browsing keeps temperate trees in recruitment bottlenecks in resource hotspots. New Phytologist 214 : 158-168. DOI: 10.1111/nph.14345
  47. Wikenros C, Jarnemo A, Frisén M, Kuijper DPJ, Schmidt K. 2017. Mesopredator behavioral response to olfactory signals of an apex predator. Journal of Ethology 35 : 161-168. DOI: 10.1007/s10164-016-0504-6
  48. Kuijper DPJ, Sahlén E, Elmhagen B, Chamaillé-Jammes S, Sand H, Lone K, Cromsigt JPGM. 2016. Paws without claws? Ecological effects of large carnivores in anthropogenic landscapes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283 (20161625) DOI:  10.1098/rspb.2016.1625
  49. Kuijper DPJ, Bubnicki JW, Churski M, Cromsigt JPGM. 2016. Multi-trophic interactions in anthropogenic landscapes: the devil is in the detail. Proceedings of the Royal Society B : 283-283. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2015.2375
  50. Samojlik T, Fedotova A, Kuijper DPJ. 2016. Transition from traditional to modern forest management shaped the spatial extent of cattle pasturing in Białowieża Primeval Forest in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Ambio 45 : 904-918. DOI:
  51. Kuijper DPJ, Devriendt K, Borman M, Van Diggelen R. 2016. Do moose redistribute nutrients in low-productive fen systems?. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 234 : 40-47. DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2016.04.032
  52. Bubnicki JW, Churski M, Kuijper DPJ. 2016. TRAPPER: an open source web-based application to manage camera trapping projects. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7(10) : 1209-1216. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12571
  53. Podgórski T, de Jong S, Bubnicki JW, Kuijper DPJ, Churski M, Jędrzejewska B. 2016. Drivers of synchronized vigilance in wild boar groups. Behavioral Ecology 27 : 1097-1103. DOI: 10.1093/beheco/arw016
  54. Schrama M, Kuijper DPJ, Veeneklaas RM, Bakker JP. 2015. Long-term decine in a salt marsh hare population largely driven by bottom-up factors. Ecoscience 22 : 71-82. DOI: 10.1080/11956860.2015.1079409
  55. Kuijper DPJ, Bubnicki JW, Churski M, Mols B, van Hooft P. 2015. Context dependence of risk effects: wolves and tree logs create patches of fear in an old-growth forest. Behavioral Ecology 26 : 1558-1568. DOI: 10.1093/beheco/arv107
  56. Schmidt K, Kuijper DPJ. 2015. A “death trap” in the landscape of fear. Mammal Research 60 : 275-284. DOI: 10.1007/s13364-015-0229-x
  57. Ruifrok JL, Janzen T, Kuijper DPJ, Rietkerk M, Olff H, Smit C. 2015. Cyclical succession in grazed ecosystems: The importance of interactions between different-sized herbivores and different-sized predators. Theoretical Population Biology 101 : 31-39. DOI: 10.1016/j.tpb.2015.02.001
  58. Wikenros C, Kuijper DPJ, Behnke R, Schmidt K. 2015. Behavioural responses of ungulates to indirect cues of an ambush predator. Behaviour 152 : 1019-1040. DOI: 10.1163/1568539X-00003266
  59. Kuijper DPJ, Verwijmeren M, Churski M, Zbyryt A, Schmidt K, Jędrzejewska B, Smit C. 2014. What cues do ungulates use to assess predation risk in dense temperate forests?. PloS ONE 9(1) (e84607) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0084607
  60. Kuijper DPJ, de Kleine C, Churski M, van Hooft P, Bubnicki J, Jędrzejewska B. 2013. Landscape of fear in Europe: wolves affect spatial patterns of ungulate browsing in Białowieża Primeval Forest, Poland (Editors' Choice - free online). Ecography 36 : 1263-1275. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2013.00266.x
  61. van Ginkel HAL, Kuijper DPJ, Churski M, Zub K, Szafrańska P, Smit C. 2013. Safe for saplings not safe for seeds: Quercus robur recruitment in relation to coarse woody debris in Białowieża Primeval Forest, Poland. Forest Ecology and Management 304 : 73-79. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2013.04.037
  62. Cromsigt JPGM, Kuijper DPJ, Adam M, Beschta RL, Churski M, Eycott A, Kerley GIH, Mysterud A, Schmidt K, West K. 2013. Hunting for fear: innovating management of human–wildlife conflicts. Journal of Applied Ecology 50(3) : 544-549. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12076
  63. De Groot A, Bakker JP, Veeneklaas R, Kuijper DPJ. 2012. Spatial patterns in accretion on barrier-island salt marshes. Geomorphology 134 : 280-296. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.07.005
  64. Kuijper DPJ, Bakker JP. 2012. Below- and above-ground vertebrate herbivory and abiotic factors alternate in shaping salt-marsh plant communities. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 432/433 : 17-28. DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2012.07.003
  65. Smit C, Kuijper DPJ, Prentice D, Wassen M, Cromsigt JPGM. 2012. Coarse woody debris facilitates oak recruitment in Białowieża Primeval Forest, Poland. Forest Ecology and Management 284 : 131-141. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2012.07.052
  66. Kuijper DPJ. 2011. Lack of natural control mechanisms increases wildlife-forestry conflict in managed temperate European forest systems. European Journal of Forest Research 130 : 895-909. DOI: 10.1007/s10342-011-0523-3
  67. Bobiec A, Kuijper DPJ, Niklasson M, Romankiewicza A, Solecka K. 2011. Oak (Quercus robur L.) regeneration in early successional woodlands grazed by wild ungulates in the absence of livestock. Forest Ecology and Management 262 : 780-790. DOI:
  68. Cromsigt JPGM, Kuijper DPJ. 2011. Revisiting the browsing lawn concept: evolutionary interactions or pruning herbivores?. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 13 : 207-215. DOI: 10.1016/j.ppees.2011.04.004
  69. De Groot A, Bakker JP, Veeneklaas R, Kuijper DPJ. 2011. Spatial patterns in accretion on barrier-island salt marshes. Geomorphology 134 : 280-296. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.07.005
  70. Kuijper DPJ, Jędrzejewska B, Brzeziecki B, Churski M, Jędrzejewski W, Żybura H. 2010. Fluctuating ungulate density shapes tree recruitment in natural stands of the Białowieża Primeval Forest, Poland. Journal of Vegetation Science 21 : 1082-1098. DOI: 10.1111/j.1654-1103.2010.01217.x
  71. Sjögersten S, Kuijper DPJ, Loonen MJJE, van der Wal R, Woodin S, Huiskes A. 2010. Nitrogen transfer between herbivores and their forage species. Polar Biology 33 (9) : 1195-1203. DOI: 10.1007/s00300-010-0809-9
  72. Kuijper DPJ, Cromsigt JPGM, Jędrzejewska B, Miścicki S, Churski M, Jędrzejewski W, Kweczlich I. 2010. Bottom-up versus top-down control of tree regeneration in the Białowieża Primeval Forest, Poland. Journal of Ecology 98 : 888-899. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2010.01656.x
  73. Kuijper DPJ, Ubels R, Loonen MJJE. 2009. Density dependent switches in diet; a likely mechanism for negative feedbacks on goose population increase?. Polar Biology 32 : 1789-1803. DOI: 10.1007/s00300-009-0678-2
  74. Kuijper DPJ, Oosterveld E, Wymenga E. 2009. Decline and potential recovery of the European grey partridge (Perdix perdix) population - a review. European Journal of Wildlife Research 55 : 455-463. DOI: 10.1007/s10344-009-0311-2
  75. Kuijper DPJ, Cromsigt JPMG, Churski M, Adams B, Jędrzejewska B, Jędrzejewski W. 2009. Do ungulates preferentially feed in forest gaps in European temperate forests?. Forest Ecology and Management 258 (7) : 1528-1535. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2009.07.010
  76. Kuijper DPJ, Beek P, Van Wieren SE, Bakker JP. 2008. Time-scale effects in the interaction between a large and a small herbivore. Basic and Applied Ecology 9 : 126-134. DOI:
  77. Schut J, Kuijper DPJ, van Dullemen D, Limpens H, Toorman H, Goossen N, Ouwehand J. 2008. Experimental evidence of light disturbance along commuting routes of Pond bats Myotis dasycneme. Lutra 51 : 37-49.
  78. Kuijper DPJ, Bakker JP. 2008. Unpreferred plants affect patch choice and spatial distribution of Brown hares. Acta Oecologica 34 : 339-344. DOI:
  79. Bos D, Kuijper DPJ, Esselink P. 2008. Visible plot markers may bias the results of dropping counts. Vogelwelt 129 : 147-152.
  80. Van der Wal R, Sjögersten S, Woodin S, Cooper ES, Kuijper DPJ, Jónsdóttir IS, Fox TAD, Huiskes A, . 2007. Spring feeding by pink-footed geese reduces carbon stocks and sink strength in tundra ecosystems. Global Change Biology 13 : 539-545.
  81. Kuijper DPJ, Bakker JP, Cooper EJ, Ubels R, Jónsdóttir IS, Loonen MJJE. 2006. Intensive grazing by Barnacle geese depletes arctic seed bank. Candian Journal of Botany 84 : 995-1004. DOI:
  82. Kuijper DPJ, Bakker JP. 2005. Top-down control of small herbivores on salt-marsh vegetation along a natural productivity gradient. Ecology 86 : 914-923. DOI:
  83. Chang ER, Zozaya EL, Kuijper DPJ, Bakker JP. 2005. Seed dispersal by small herbivores and tidal water: are they important filters in the assembly of salt-marsh communities?. Functional Ecology 19 : 665-673. DOI:
  84. Kuijper DPJ, Dubbeld J, Bakker JP. 2005. Competition between two grasses with and without grazing over a natural productivity gradient. Plant Ecology 179 : 237-246. DOI:
  85. Kuijper DPJ, van Wieren SE, Bakker JP. 2004. Digestive strategies in two sympatrically occurring lagomorphs. Journal of Zoology 264 : 1-8. DOI:
  86. Kuijper DPJ, Nijhoff DJ, Bakker JP. 2004. Herbivory and competition slow down invasion of a tall grass along a productivity gradient. Oecologia 141 : 452-459. DOI:
  87. Kuijper DPJ, Bakker JP, . 2003. Large-scale effects of a small herbivore on salt-marsh vegetation succession, a comparative study. Journal of Coastal Conservation 9 : 179-188.
  88. Forstmeier W, Kuijper DPJ, Leisler B. 2001. Polygyny in the Dusky Warbler Phylloscopus fuscatus: the importance of female qualities. Animal Behaviour 62 : 1097-1108.
Rozdziały w książkach (5) Powrót do góry
  1. Choiński M, Rogowski M, Tynecki P, Kuijper DPJ, Churski M, Bubnicki JW. 2021. A First Step towards automated species Recognition from Camera Trap Images of Mammals Using AI in a European Temperate Forest. W: Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management. Red. Saeed K, Dvorský J. 12883 Springer, : 299-310. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-84340-3_24
  2. Bakker JP, Nielsen KJ, Alberti J, Chan F, Hacker SD, Iribarne OO, Kuijper DPJ, Menge B, Schrama M, Silliman BR. 2015. Bottom-up and top-down interactions in coastal interface systems. W: Trophic Ecology: Bottom-up and top-down interactions across aquatic and terrestrial Systems. Red. eds. T. C. Hanley and K. J. La Pierre. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge : 157-200.
  3. Kuijper DPJ, Te Beest M, Churski M, Cromsigt JPMG. 2015. Bottom-up and top-down forces shaping wooded ecosystems: lessons from a cross-biome comparison. W: Trophic Ecology: Bottom-up and Top-down Interactions across Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems. Red. TC Hanley, KJ La Pierre. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom : 107-133.
  4. Samojlik T, Kuijper D. 2013. Grazed wood pasture versus browsed high forests – impact of ungulates on forest landscapes from the perspective of the Białowieża Primeval Forest. W: Trees, forested landscapes and grazing animals – a european perspective on woodlands and grazed treescapes. Red. I.D. Rotherham. Routledge, London and New York : 143-162.
  5. Bakker JP, Kuijper DPJ, Stahl J. 2010. Community ecology and management of salt marshes. W: Community Ecology - Processes, models and applications. Red. H. A. Verhoef, P. J. Morin. Community Ecology, Oxford University Press Oxford University Press, Oxford : 131-147.
Artykuły popularnonaukowe (13) Powrót do góry
  1. Schmidt K, Kuijper DPJ, Kowalczyk R. 2019. Dlaczego w Polsce chronimy wilki?. Brać Łowiecka 10 : 44. Link
  2. Smit C, Van Ginkel A, Kuijper DPJ. 2018. Behoud het maatschappelijk draagvlak voor de wolf. Dagblad van het Noorden
  3. Smit C, Van Ginkel A, Kuijper DPJ. 2018. Geen paniek. De wolf is terug. "NRC"
  4. Elmhagen B, Kuijper D, Sahlén E, Chamaillé-Jammes S, Sand H, Lone K, Cromsigt J. 2017. Tassar utan klös?. Svensk Jakt 7 : 38-40.
  5. Bobiec A, Buchholz L, Churski M, Chylarecki P, Fałtynowicz W, Gutowski JM, Jaroszewicz B., Kuijper DPJ, Kujawa A, Mikusek R, Mysłajek RW, Nowak S, Pawlaczyk P, Podgórski T, Walankiewicz W, Wesołowski T, Zub K. 2016. Dlaczego martwe świerki są potrzebne w Puszczy Białowieskiej?. Głos Białowieży 3 : 12-16.
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  8. Kuijper DPJ. 2015. Jak zrobić dobre Shamo (lub jakiekolwiek inne kury). Gołębie 67 : 39-43.
  9. Kuijper DPJ. 2014. O-Shamo: Piekno prawdziwego wojownika. Gołębie 64 : 51-55.
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  13. Arkhipov VYu, Forstmeier W, Kuijper DPJ, van Steenis M, Weiss I, . 2003. Notes on the avifauna of Malkachan area, the Sea of Okhotsk coast, Magadan Region. Ornithologia 30 : 172-174.