Artykuły naukowe (16) Powrót do góry
  1. Niedziałkowska M, Plis K, Marczuk B, Lang J, Heddergott M, Tiainen J, Danilkin A, Kholodova M, Zvychaynaya E, Kashinina N, Bunevich A, Paule L, Shkvyria M, Šprem N, Kusza S, Paulauskas A, Novák L, Kutal M, Miller C, Tsaparis D, Stoyanov S, Pokorny B, Flajšman K, Lavadinović V, Suchentrunk F, Krapal A-M, Dănilă G, Veeroja R, Jędrzejewska B. 2024. Genetic diversity and complex structure of the European Roe Deer population at a continental scale. Journal of Mammalogy 105 : 73-84. DOI:
  2. Pepin KM, Borowik T, Frant M, Plis K, Podgórski T. 2023. Risk of African swine fever virus transmission among wild boar and domestic pigs in Poland. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 10 (1295127) DOI: Link
  3. Vada R, Illanas S, Acevedo P, Adriaens T, Apollonio M, Belova O, Blanco-Aguiar JA, Csányi S, Body G, Fernández-De-Mera IG, Ferroglio E, Jansen PA, Jeschke JM, Keuling O, Palazón S, Plis K, Podgórski T, Rickowski F, Scandura M, ShakunV, Smith GC, Stephens PA, Van Den Berge K, Veeroja R, Zanet S, Zihmanis I, Vicente J. 2023. Feral American mink Neogale vison continues to expand its European range: time to harmonise population monitoring and coordinate control. Mammal Review 53 : 158-176. DOI: 10.1111/mam.12315 Link
  4. Šnjegota D, Niedziałkowska M, Vik Stronen A, Borowik T, Plis K, Arakelyan M, Ćirović D, Danila G, Djan M, Ghazaryan A, Gurielidze Z, Hayrapetyan T, Hegyeli Z, Karamanlidis AA: Kopaliani N, Kusak J, Politov D, Talala M, Tsingarska E, Jędrzejewska B. 2023. The role of the Caucasus, Carpathian, and Dinaric–Balkan regions in preserving wolf genetic diversity. Mammalian Biology 103 : 303-315. DOI: 10.1007/s42991-023-00357-4 Link
  5. Pacheco C, Stronen AV, Jędrzejewska B, Plis K, Okhlopkov IM, Mamaev NV, Drovetski SV, Godinho R. 2022. Demography and evolutionary history of grey wolf populations around the Bering Strait. Molecular Ecology 31 : 4851-4865. DOI: 10.1111/mec.16613
  6. Plis K, Niedziałkowska M, Borowik T, Lang J, Heddergott M, Tiainen J, Bunevich A, Šprem N, Paule L, Danilkin A, Kholodova M, Zvychaynaya E, Kashinina N, Pokorny B, Flajšman K, Paulauskas A, Djan M, Zoran Ristić Z, Novák L, Kusza S, Miller C, Tsaparis D, Stoyanov S, Shkvyria M, Suchentrunk F, Kutal M, Lavadinović V, Šnjegota D, Krapal AM, Dănilă G, Veeroja R, Dulko E, Jędrzejewska B. 2022. Mitochondrial DNA diversity and the population genetic structure of contemporary roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in Europe. Mammalian Biology 102 : 1743-1754. DOI: 10.1007/s42991-022-00274-y
  7. Plis K, Niedziałkowska M, Borowik T, Lang J, Heddergott M, Tiainen J, Bunevich A, Šprem N, Paule L, Danilkin A, Kholodova M, Zvychaynaya E, Kashinina N, Pokorny B, Flajšman K, Paulauskas A, Djan M, Ristić Z, Novák L, Kusza S, Miller C, Tsaparis D, Stoyanov S, Shkvyria M, Suchentrunk F, Kutal M, Lavadinović V, Šnjegota D, Krapal A-M, Dănilă G, Veeroja R, Dulko E, Jędrzejewska B. 2022. Pan-European phylogeography of the European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). Ecology and Evolution 12(5) (e8931) DOI: 10.1002/ece3.8931
  8. ENETWILD-consortium, Illanas S, Fernández-López J, Acevedo P, Apollonio M, Blanco-Aguiar JA, Brivio F, Croft S, Ferroglio E, Keuling O, Plis K, Podgórski T, Scandura M, Smith GC, Soriguer R, Šprem N, Zanet S, Vicente J. 2021. Analysis of wild boar-domestic pig interface in Europe: spatial overlapping and fine resolution approach in several countries. EFSA Supporting publication 18 (1) EN-1995 : 1-23. DOI: 10.2903/sp.efsa.2021.EN-1995
  9. ENETWILD-consortium, Illanas S, Acevedo P, Apollonio M, Blanco-Aguiar JA, Brivio F, Croft S, Cretois B, Fernández-López J, Ferroglio E, Keuling O, Linnell JDC, Plis K, Podgórski T, Scandura M, Smith GC, Soriguer RC, Vada R, Zanet S, Vicente J. 2021. Analysis of wild ungulate‐livestock interface in Europe: preliminary results. EFSA Supporting publication 18 (12) EN-7038 : 1-62. DOI: 10.2903/sp.efsa.2021.EN-7038
  10. ENETWILD-consortium, Pascual R, Acevedo P, Apollonio M, Blanco-Aguiar JA, Body G, Casaer J, Ferroglio E, Gomez Molina A, Illanas S, Jansen P, Keuling O, Palencia P, Plis K, Podgórski T, Ruiz Rodriguez C, Scandura M, Smith GC, Vada R, Zanet S, and Vicente J. 2021. Report of the 2nd Annual General Meeting of ENETWILD 5‐6th. EFSA Supporting publication 18 (12) EN-7053 : 1-93. DOI: 10.2903/sp.efsa.2021.EN-7053
  11. ENETWILD-consortium, Illanas S, Croft S, Smith GC, Fernández-López J, Vicente J, Blanco-Aguiar JA, Pascual-Rico R, Scandura M, Apollonio M, Ferroglio E, Keuling O, Zanet S, Brivio F, Podgorski T, Plis K, Soriguer RC, Acevedo P. 2021. Update of model for wild boar abundance based on hunting yield and first models based on occurrence for wild ruminants at European scale. EFSA Supporting Publications 18(8) (6825E) DOI: 10.2903/sp.efsa.2021.EN-6825
  12. Ericson HS, Fedorca A, Toderas I, Hegyeli Z, Plis K, Dykyy I, Jędrzejewska B, Ionescu G, Fedorca M, Iacolina L, Stronen AV. 2020. Genome-wide profiles indicate wolf population connectivity within the eastern Carpathian Mountains. Genetica 148 : 33-39. DOI: 10.1007/s10709-019-00083-1
  13. Plis K, Stojak J. 2019. Proces domestykacji psa: próba rozwikłania zagadki udomowienia gatunku. Kosmos 1 (322) : 65-73. PDF
  14. Stojak J, Plis K, . 2018. Jak z dzikiego zrobić przyjaciela? Historia udomowienia różnych gatunków roślin i zwierząt na świecie. Kosmos 4 (321) : 721-732. PDF
  15. Sönnichsen L, Borowik T, Podgórski T, Plis K, Berger A, Jędrzejewska B. 2017. Survival rates and causes of mortality of roe deer Capreolus capreolus in a rural landscape, eastern Poland. Mammal Research 62 : 141-147. DOI: 10.1007/s13364-017-0308-2
  16. Olano-Marin J, Plis K, Sönnichsen L, Borowik T, Niedziałkowska M, Jędrzejewska B. 2014. Weak population structure in European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and evidence of introgressive hybridization with Siberian roe deer (C. pygargus) in Northeastern Poland. PLOS one 9(10) (e10914) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0109147
Artykuły popularnonaukowe (1) Powrót do góry
  1. Plis K, Wereszczuk A, Niemczynowicz A, Borowik t. 2016. Ssaki kopytne - wskaźniki liczebności populacji, struktura i różnorodość gatunkowa zespołu [W: Wielcy uczeni z małych miasteczek. Podlascy uczniowie, naukowcy i leśnicy na tropach zwierząt]. : 39-50.