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- Artykuł naukowy1989. Mating system and reproductive success in a free-living population of the bank vole, Clethrionomys glareolus.. W: Social systems and population cycles in voles. Red. Tamarin RH, Ostfeld RS, Pugh SR, Bujalska G. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, Boston, Berlin : 193-202.
- Artykuł naukowy1989. Are Robertsonian variations a frequent phenomenn in mouse population in Eurasia?. Biol. J. Linnean Soc. 41 : 229-233.
- Artykuł popularnonaukowy1989. Conservation Strategy of European bison. 29th Symposium of the British Ecological Society 'The Scientific Management of Temporate Communities for Conservation', 4-6 April 1989, Southampton (poster).
- Artykuł popularnonaukowy1989. Trends in skull morphology of Sorex araneus in Poland. 29th Symposium of the British Ecological Society 'The Scientific Management of Temporate Communities for Conservation', 4-6 April 1989, Southampton (poster).
- Artykuł popularnonaukowy1989. Conservation Strategy of European bison. 64th Meeting of the Species Survival Commision, IUCN, 20-22 August 1989, Roma. (poster).
- Artykuł popularnonaukowy1989. Ethological study of sympatric species of European water shrews. Abstract of Papers and Posters. Fifth Internation. Theriol. Congr., Rome. : 673-673.